Well - Watered


Give Me Jesus Journal

Reading: Philippians 4:10-13

Be Still And Know:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

I wanted to close out our Well-Watered Women series for this season with a post on the spiritual discipline of journaling the Word. The journaling I am referring to here is not a diary or a method to self-discovery. The journaling I am referring to is diving deep into the ocean of God’s Word, writing down and recording prayer and praises, and memorizing Scripture through writing. The point of this journaling is simple – to know God more. I am excited that you are joining in with me and pray that your heart is stirred to spend time in the Word each day, hungering and seeking after Christ alone.

God planted a seed in my heart in January.

A seed to know Him and make Him known.A tiny seed to He began to water each day as I came to Him in His Word, hungry to know truth and to be set free from the ways of this world. As He has watered the seed, He has changed me in the process. The vision of Life Lived Beautifully is not to be a business, but to be a ministry that meets women right where they are everyday with the truth and hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It still amazes me that today we launch the new spring Give Me Jesus Journals. It was just one year ago this month that the Lord began to stir in my heart the vision for the journal. Last May we had the first version of the journal in hand and sold out of the order within one hour. I had absolutely no idea what God would do with these journals and God-sized dream. It began as a tiny mustard seed of faith that God planted and is continuing to water to grow into a garden for His glory! With my knees to the floor and my hands lifted high to the Lord in praise, I am excited to partake in the gospel of grace with you as we study God’s Word together!

Today we are in day 3 of our “Well-Watered Women” series on how to study the Bible! In the first day’s post on being “In The Word” I shared how I spend time daily in the Scripture as well as a challenge for us to commit the first moments of our days to the Lord. Yesterday’s post answered the question “Why The Word?” We unveiled some insecurities we have in coming to the Word of God and pointed to how we are to come to Scripture and how we are to go and take the message into the world. Today, we will talk about different ways we can study the Bible and break down Scripture!

The Lord has been challenging my heart lately with this question. I dug up this post from last fall and was convicted and challenged once again. I pray that you are as well as we ask ourself the question – what if?

Yesterday I sat down with my Bible, planner, Powersheets and deleted social media from my phone. For too long, I have allowed Sunday rest to become a side note. Instead of resting and enjoying the gift of soul renewal on Sundays, I have used the afternoon to get ahead for the next week. Instead of planning my days and asking what God wanted me to do, I went forward without a good plan and simply was overwhelmed.

Last September, our lives changed forever with the taking of one test. I had been feeling unusually tired and my husband noticed that I would frequently get dizzy. In my mind, I just figured my body was doing its usual crazy thing right before that time of the month. Little did I know, something extremely different was happening in my body. God was knitting together a precious child in my womb.

Last March I had no idea where Life Lived Beautifully was going. To be honest, I was at my wits end with trying to make a small business work. I was trying and trying and trying and getting no where. My heart was so weary and my spirit was defeated. I was on the brink of giving up and throwing in the towel. At the time, I had been making necklaces, stationery, and art prints. Though I loved creating these things, they weren’t bringing my heart life and I knew there was something more. I longed to share Jesus and His truth, but I didn’t know how I was to do it! I read through the journal I was using in this season and found these honest words of desperation:

Mornings are my favorite time of day. The earth is still, the coffee is brewing, and my heart has yet to get after its’ long to do list. I hunger after the stillness that can only be touched in the morning time. The reason this time of day is so dear to my heart is because it is when I meet with the Lord. No distractions, no things done, no one to talk to, just me and my Lord. This time is sacred and holy, the most important thing I do each day.


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