Contentment in Season

July 30, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

 This blog post was written last August. God used it to remind me once more that contentment is not found in me, it is found in Christ alone. 

This blog post was written last August. God used it to remind me once more that contentment is not found in me, it is found in Christ alone. 

Reading: Philippians 4:10-13

Be Still And Know:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

Drink Deep From The Well:

I am really ready for it to be fall. I keep tricking myself into thinking that the air is getting crisper outside, only to look at the temperature gage in the car that reads 89 degrees. Why is it that near the end of a season we wish for the next? It is almost as if anticipation for the next season exceeds the joy of the season we are in. I long for autumn at this moment. I long to see the crisp colors of leaves, see my breath on the icy morning air and smell pumpkin muffins baking in the oven. There are so many wonderful joys of fall, but my heart knows that once it is here and proceeds into winter I will be wishing for spring and summer again. I’m beginning to notice the endless cycle of wishing for the next and missing the present in my life. In Philippians 4:11-12, Paul explains that he has “learned” how to be content in every circumstance:

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”

What is this secret? My heart longs to know the mystery of contentment. What about you? Are you tired of living in an endless cycle of wishing away today for the tomorrow? Jesus promised those who follow Him would have “abundant life” – overflowing, to the brim. Paul tells us the secret in verse 13:

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (ESV)

“I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.” (NLT)

The secret? It is Christ. The mystery of being joyful when the bank account is low is Christ in me. The secret to loving those who persecute you is Christ in me. The answer to your pain, your exhaustion, your feelings of being overwhelmed at the pressures of this life is Christ in me.

It is too easy for us to look for answers in every place but Christ. We fill up our schedules to see if we will feel fulfilled, but at the end of the day we are drained. We put our hope in what others think of us, but then we live in a prison of insecurity. We work harder to make more money or we go on vacation to escape the pressures of life. When all the while we have the hope. We have the truth. We have the answer, the secret to contentment – Christ in me.

It is Christ who supplies all joy. Christ who gives us strength. Christ who gives us peace. Christ who gives us life. Christ who gives us an identity. Christ who gives us freedom that was paid for at the cross. Christ who satisfies our longings. Christ who equips us for tasks too large for us. Christ who helps us laugh when sorrow overtakes our hearts. Christ who provides manna from Heaven when we feel we can’t get by.

The secret is out, sisters. Let us “learn” this secret and cling to the cross. Summer is hanging on a little longer and I am going to soak it up as much as I can. Learning takes time. But, what joy will we partake in as we learn that Christ in me is where all our contentment is to be found.

He is not just enough. He is more than enough.

Ask And Apply:

  1. From these verses, write a definition of contentment.
  2. How can you daily be “learning” contentment?

Today I Learned:

Through Christ, I have all I need. Jesus is the secret to contentment.

Today I Will:

Bless the Lord for my circumstances instead of wishing them away. 

Pray BIG

Father, open our hearts to fully understand that Christ is in us and that He is our life. May we be ready learners and may we live out our days in joyful adoration of our Savior. Don’t let us wish away the blessings of today and miss being joyfully in the present. We thank you, Jesus, for being the answer. We thank you for filling us up with inexpressible joy in You! We love, Lord. May our contentment in this season bring you glory. Amen. (So Be It)

seeking contentment,


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  1. Wow was this not right on time and confirmation. I was just reading that exact scripture today because I had feelings of discontentment with my current place of employment. I had to snap myself out of MY WANTS and make it all about the will of God. Where God wants me to be I will be. Your will be done. So in the meantime I will be content with my portion and in this season. I already know that God will keep me so I don’t have to worry and long for something else just be content and watch how far it gets you. Gretchen you were right on time with this post and gave confirmation that God wants me to know that I can do all things through him and he will not leave me or forsake me just trust this season and enjoy it! I thank you for posting what’s God had placed on your heart to post and I thank God for using you to speak to his people!
    IG: Cdothall82

  2. Amen! I have definitely found myself wishing away these last days of summer, especially since school has begun. But I know that the Lord still has things to teach in this season, and it is not worth rushing to the next one.

  3. My mother in law introduced me to your instagram which led me to your blog. What an encouragement you are to my heart! I have loved reading all of your posts. Thanks for letting Christ work through you!

  4. Danielle Cooke says:

    Gretchen, this study is so good! (and so well timed in my life right now!) I’ve been praying about learning contentment a lot lately. And verse 13 has been highlighted and underlined in my bible for ages! I often reference it BUT I completely missed verse 12 until today! That He is the secret of being content. I love how the Lord reveals himself to us through His word at the perfect time. When our eyes are ready to see what he wants to teach us. So thankful for this ministry 🙂

  5. Definitely needed this is anxious thoughts are quick to take over as I March into my senior year of high school still completely unsure of my plans next fall. My interests in plans seem to conflict with all of my parents, and I’m afraid I will do the wrong thing. I know God is leading me and I must be patient, however it weighs heavy non the less. I want to be a mother and wife, God willing my husband can provide. I am in a strong, honest, Christ centered courtship that the Lord has brough me to in which I am certain will lead to marriage, so I’m not concerned there. I want to be a self efficient, frugal housewife with substitute teaching and selling veggies and fruit from my garden at farmers markets on the side. I’m content with living simple and working hard, but my parents think it’s rediculous to stay at home without a good income of my own. I’m torn and afraid. They want me to go to this certain University in which I would dorm at. I would much rather take basic classes online or commute and learn how to be frugal while living at home. I’m almost 18, but I’m afraid my parents will have a sturdy grip on my decisions until after I’m married. Prayers are needed. Thank you.

  6. I do the very same thing with the changing seasons. Some times I count down the hours just to move on to the next day. This is an excellent reminder and challenge and it’s so necessary. In order to live the fullness of life, every day counts in Christ. Great post!! But I’m still SUPER excited for fall…hehe 🙂

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