Small group Leader resources

breathe leader guide

    Breathe: 40 Days of Prayer Through the Psalms is a 40-Day study on praying Scripture, specifically through the Psalms. The 40-day study focuses on one Psalm per day and includes eight different Psalms from each of the five books the Psalms are divided into. 

    planted leader guide

      Planted is a 12-week Bible study on the disciplines of the Christian faith. The study is based off of Psalm 1:3. The life of a believer goes through seasons. Some are for planting, some for watering, some for pruning, and some for growing. In every season, we can be rooted deeply in the Lord. 

      redefined leader guide

        This six-week study is a look at what the Bible says on this new identity. We want to walk you through Scripture and promises from God that will redefine your identity and give you a new understanding of what it means to live as a daughter of Christ who knows whose she is and who she is.

        ruth leader guide

          Ruth: Gospel of Grace is a 4-week study on the book of Ruth. It is designed to help you learn more about the grace of God that is woven throughout Scripture. You will see how the Gospel is highlighted by the love story of Ruth and Boaz, and how their story is just a foreshadowing of Christ and His love for the church!

          How to lead a small group

            This guide includes our best tips for leading a small group through any time of Bible study or book of the Bible. 

            shop bible studies


            Flourish is an 8-week study on the fruit of the Spirit (found in Galatians 5:22-23). You will continually look to Jesus as the Creator and Sustainer of your life, to the Father as the Gardener of your soul, and to the Holy Spirit as your faithful guide, keeper, and tiller of the soil of your heart. 

            Esther leader guide

              Esther: the Fingerprints of God is a 6-week study through the book of Esther. This study will help you put on your detective goggles and search for the fingerprints of God. Though His name is not mentioned, His presence in evident throughout this book of Scripture. Let's dig in and uncover His handiwork!

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