Our Story

Several months after Gretchen, our founder, was married, she set out to start an online women’s ministry with the vision of reaching women worldwide. Having no idea where to start, she began right where she was with what she had: a small amount of money in savings, a prayer journal, and a big dream stirring deep within her soul to encourage women to love Jesus deeply. 

Well-Watered Women began as a big dream in a small apartment in Tennessee. 

In 2014, God planted a seed in Gretchen’s heart to create a quiet time journal that any woman could use to study the Word. 

Through a series of God-ordained circumstances, the very first Give Me Jesus Journal was launched May 2014, the original quiet time journal for women. The initial batch of journals sold out within an hour, and in that moment, God defined the vision and mission of Well-Watered Women: to equip women to be rooted deeply in God's Word.

Over the following years, women from all over the world have purchased from the Well-Watered Shop and joined this online community. The Well-Watered Team has expanded as well in order to better equip women with these gospel-centered resources. What began as a small seed, God has grown into a mighty oak tree—a planting for His glory (Isaiah 61:3).

In Him, we find true life, and because of the cross, we can be well-watered women who drink deeply from His Word and live the abundant life. We are grateful that you are joining us on this journey and pray that this blog, the shop, and every tool we produce is a match that lights a consuming fire in your heart to know Jesus more and more. 

only Jesus will satisfy the longings of our hearts, and only He can rescue and redeem us.

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