The Story That Speaks
One of my most prized possessions is a tattered, torn, and very fragile book. Not only do the words tell a Story, but the tears, the blurred markings, the scribbled notes and the pieces of tape that hold pages together tell that this Story is real. The letters in this book make up words and sentences that, when strung together, breathe life into the soul. With careful fingers, I turn the pages and smooth out the creases and bends. My eyes strain to read the notes and dates written in the margin, but the Lord knew that if I were able to read every marking, I wouldn’t rely solely on the printed, infallible words. This book that I hold dear to my heart is my Pawpaw’s Bible.
The Lord has used this Bible to teach me how to study the Word. It was not only read; it was lived in, cried over, treasured, and carefully followed. Pawpaw understood the hungering of the soul that is described by King David in Psalm 63:1, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” He came each day with his empty cup and handed it to the Lord to be filled up with Holy Spirit, Gospel-inspired truth. No cup of coffee can compare to this kind of filling.
I remember my first Bible my parents gifted me. It was a small, soft pink Precious Moments Bible. I carried it around with me in my tiny, beaded pearl purse as if pretending to be my mama. Each morning when I woke up I saw my mama sitting at her chair, Bible in hand, and a warm cup of her coffee in the other. I would interrupt her time and curl up in her lap, smelling her coffee breath and turning my head away playfully. In the room next to us was my daddy, sitting next to the glow of a lamp, reading and writing with his gold-rimmed glasses on. These moments are forever etched into my mind.
Why were these moments so special?
Why did they impact the course of my life? After all, my parents were avid readers. Pawpaw also faithfully read the newspaper each morning. Yet, the words of books and newspapers went into their minds but didn’t impact their hearts like the words of Scripture. There was something about that one book, the Bible, that changed them. They could read it over and over again and never get tired of it. At the time, my daddy was the pastor of a small church. This church didn’t have a children’s program, so I sat in the front pew with my mama each week, listening to his sermons. It amazed me that he could pick a short portion of text and share how it impacted his life. There was something different about these words. The Bible is a stand alone-book.
I learned through observation—that the words of Scripture are more than just letters, more than just words, and more than just chapters. They are life. Infused into every word is a heartbeat. When we study these words, meditating on them and absorbing them into our souls, something miraculous happens—joy begins to sprout and hope grows into a planting of the Lord. That is what God’s Word is to us. It is our living hope, the pulsing in our veins, the beating of our hearts, the skip in our steps. The Story of redemption through Jesus Christ is what holds this world together and makes us brand new. It is more than a book; it is the glue in our lives, the answer to our problems, and the fulfillment of our longings.
It is not like a fictional fairytale that keeps us guessing and wondering how the story will end. It tells of the greatest love story this world has ever known, the Gospel of redemption and the ending is spelled out clearly. The Prince, the One Who overcomes, His name is Jesus, and He beckons us each day to come, bring our empty cups, and drink deep from the Well of His Word.
A tattered and torn Bible is not a trophy to be held up high as if we deserve any glory for reading it. It is a treasure to be kept close and a testimony to be shared. It is a revelation of God’s truth and an emblem of His grace. Pawpaw, my mama, and my daddy knew a secret they wanted to share with me. God’s Word is not just a book; it is life. It is breath. It the heartbeat of our souls.
Respond + Reflect:
- What does John 1:1-5 tells us about the Word of God? How does this describe Christ, our Savior?
- Through studying the Bible, we get to know our Savior. Praise God for giving you the gift of the Bible.
- Treasure it with your whole heart and commit to meet with Him daily to know Him more.
Take time to pause, pray, and praise the Lord for giving you the Word so you might know Him and live a full life in Christ. Read and meditate on Psalm 119:151-152.
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