Well - Watered


Scripture Memory

I recently saw a smartphone hack for reducing the number of unnecessary photos stored on your phone. In just five minutes a day, you can search the day’s date in your photo app and delete all unwanted pictures taken on the same date in previous years. It’s a quick daily practice that frees up lots […]

“I will hide God’s Word in my heart, so that I might not sin against God.”  I recited these words (a paraphrase of Psalm 119:11) every morning at the small Christian school I attended until eighth grade. Students learned pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible, then recited those pledges along […]

This article is part of our How to Study the Bible Series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Fight the Battle to Read Your Bible” by Kristie Anyabwile “When Bible Study Feels Impossible”  by Brittany Allen “How Often Should I Study the Bible?” by Ashley Chesnut “How to Get in God’s Word Every Day”  […]

Spiritual Disciplines in a Busy Day In the precious early hours before my kiddos wake up with requests for books and pleas for Frosted Mini-Wheats, I’m hunched over my phone scrolling the morning feed while my Bible lies in my lap unopened. When I finally get to reading and praying, I have only a few […]

Treasured Memories My mom decided to take on the feat of organizing old family photos during the quarantine. Each time I visited my parents, I’d join my mama in the basement. I helped her sift through hundreds of photos. We wouldn’t get too far before stopping to talk about a memory burned into our minds. […]

The Abide Collection Today you can find a new collection of items in the Well-Watered Co. These intentionally designed items are helpful resources to equip you as you abide in Christ. You can read more about the call to abide here and find the new collection here. https://wellwateredwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ezgif.com-gif-to-mp4-5.mp4 What’s in the Collection? A hardcover Word […]

The Call to Abide Jesus gives helpful instruction to every believer in John 15. This passage overflows with encouragement to cling tightly to Christ (the Vine) as his father (the Vinedresser) cares for him and for us. We learn what it means to abide. Abiding in Christ means bearing patiently as he instructs and guides. […]

Savoring the Moment Have you ever longed to sit and savor a moment? Maybe it was the first time your baby was placed on your chest. Or the feeling of a spring breeze carrying the scent of honeysuckle to your nose. That moment when your boyfriend went down on one knee. Or when you gazed […]

Join us for Lent in the Psalms As Lent begins next Wednesday, we will begin digging into the Psalms and praying through the Scriptures following our Breathe Study. The study focuses on 40 different Psalms. We also begin with some introduction and guidance on how to pray using Scripture. The number 40 is symbolic all throughout […]

Truth and Reality One of my goals this year is to read every Pulitzer Prize fiction award winner of the last decade. A great story has become a reprieve from my normal nonfiction reading. It allows me to get lost in a world that is not my own. Often, I find the characters compellingly familiar […]


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