Eight Ways to be in the Word in Every Season

November 18, 2021  - By Titania Paige

8 Ways to be In the Word In Every Season–an Article by Well-Watered Women

This article is part of our How to Study the Bible Series. Read the other articles in the series here:


Eight Ways to Be in the Word in Every Season

I had high hopes for my newly planted garden—that is, until my neighbor's tree fell and crushed it the very next day. It was my first attempt of many to plant a garden this year, and by my fourth try, summer was drawing to a close. With little time left, I wondered if there was a way to grow a fruitful garden out of season.

Perhaps this year you wanted to make studying God’s Word a habit, but life circumstances that shifted like seasons made it difficult. What if you could experience the fruitfulness that comes with abiding in God’s Word—despite how your current season of life feels? Scripture describes the person that meditates on and delights in God’s law as “a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers” (Ps. 1:3) Together, let’s look at some practical ways to stay in God’s Word in every season. 

In the Word in Winter

When winter comes, farmers must retire from their work and rest in God’s already demonstrated provision. Broken trust, sick loved ones, and grief can feel like frosts that cover our hearts and rob us of hope, like warmth leaving our bodies. Situations beyond our control position us to stop striving so that we can rest in God’s capable hands (Matt. 11:28). This is the perfect time to hide God’s Word in our hearts in preparation for the seasons ahead. When life feels like winter, here are two ways we can stay in God’s Word: 

  • Use a Scripture memory journal. The work of writing out the Scriptures helps burn them into your memory, and don’t forget the bonus of having something besides your phone to stare at while you wait in the checkout line!
  • Sing Scripture. Praising God through worship is an excellent way to commit Scripture to memory—all while meditating on the Scripture's application in our everyday lives. There are talented independent artists on platforms such as YouTube and Instagram that compose songs entirely of Scripture.

In the Word in Spring

Times of planting, growth, and busyness can feel like spring. Making room for new additions in our lives (a child, a job promotion, or perhaps a ministry God has called you to) can make it difficult for us to slow down to be with God. It’s important to remember that even if your time with God doesn’t look glamorous, you always need the truth of God’s Word. When you’re in a busy season:

  • Post Scripture sticky notes in the places that you linger. Turn mundane chores and hygiene practices into Bible study! Start by taking three sticky notes and writing one verse on each of them. Post one note on the bathroom mirror, one at the kitchen sink, and one in the laundry room. Then read God’s truth while you brush your teeth, wash the dishes, or fold your clothes.
  • Listen to God’s Word during your commute. Try listening to a book of the Bible read aloud. You can also go deeper into a passage by listening to a sermon, podcast, or audiobook. Take advantage of this time by getting into God’s Word on the go!

In the Word in Summer

With summer comes the chance to sweat and enjoy the fruitfulness of our faithful labor unto God. Intimacy with God produces love, joy, and confident hope that energizes and fuels us to share his goodness with others (2 Cor. 5:11–15; 1 Pet. 3:15).  In these times when our cups overflow with the experience of his goodness in our lives, there’s no better time to pour back into others with God’s Word (Heb. 10:24). Here are two practical ways you can do so:

  • Teach God’s Word to others. Share what you recently learned from studying Scripture with someone else. Help out your church by volunteering to host a Bible study. Share Bible stories in the children’s ministry or with your kiddos before bed.
  • Encourage others with God’s Word. Write a “thinking of you” card to a friend or loved one with a Bible verse you are praying over them. Let them know what the Scripture means and how it can give them hope for today.

In the Word in Fall

When trials and life changes leave us weak, fearful, and doubtful of God’s goodness, life can feel like fall. During these times, the psalmist encourages us to “​​believe that [we] shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living,” to “be strong, and let [our] heart[s] take courage” as we wait on the Lord (Ps. 27:13–14). These practices will help you keep the faith during these painful times by clinging to his Word:

  • Get into God’s Word by being in community with others. Pain can often tempt us to withdraw from others. Being vulnerable and open with other believers about our weaknesses is hard, but God’s heart is that we’d come together and carry each other's burdens (Gal. 6:2). When your faith feels like it’s failing, you may lack the desire to read God’s Word. In these times, lean into accountability through fellowship with other believers through a small group Bible study. When we encounter others’ faith as we journey through the Word together, God often helps us restore our own.
  • Review what you’ve learned in God’s Word. By lunchtime, I’ve often forgotten what I learned from God’s Word that morning. Since repetition is key to retaining what we learn, it’s wise to go back and review your past Bible studies. If you haven't recorded these lessons until now, take time to record some of your highlights from studying the Bible this year. 

In Every Season

With spring gone and summer nearly over, I was about to give up on the idea of having a garden this year. But that’s when I discovered the Kratky planting method, which allows you to grow an indoor garden year-round. Taking some mason jars, I filled them with a nutrient-rich solution and suspended seedlings in the neck of each jar. Over time, the plants’ roots have gulped up the water inside their jars, giving the root systems below the nutrients they need to grow and produce fruit. With plenty of exposure to the sun, my unconventional garden now sits on a shelf in my room and is fruiting in the midst of fall! When we abide in God’s Son and the richness of his Word, we too can thrive despite the conditions around us. So in season and out of season, use these practical steps to get into the Word—your constant source of life (Matt. 4:4). 

Meet the Author

Titania Paige helps business-minded women of faith showcase their expertise with signature branding and strategic websites. As the host of the Purpose in Purity Podcast, she coaches the Christian woman battling lust to live from joy and peace as she surrenders her soul and sexuality to God. Together with her baby girl and husband, Titania lives in Memphis, TN, with plans to serve as a missionary family in Osaka, Japan.

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