How to Get in God’s Word Every Day

January 3, 2023  - By Ann Swindell

How to Get in God's Word Every Day - an article from Well-Watered Women

This article is part of our How to Study the Bible Series. Read the other articles in the series here:


How to Get in God's Word Every Day

It’s something most of us know, or at least many of us have heard—that being in God’s Word on a daily basis is important. And it’s true. Spending time in God's Word is central to our spiritual health as followers of Christ—the Word is the one thing that will continue to feed and transform us long after we've actually read it. But as our seasons shift and change, reading the Bible every day can sometimes seem challenging—if not impossible. When we have a newborn in our arms, or when we’re working the overnight shift at work, or when we’re going through trials and suffering, is it still possible to get in God’s Word every day?

It is—if we’re willing to be creative and flexible! So, how can we prioritize our time in God's Word, especially in busy or stressful seasons? Let's consider three ways to make sure we're staying connected to the Vine that is Christ as we abide in his truth.

1. Acknowledge Your Season

When I first became a mom, I remember feeling flustered when it came to approaching my time with the Lord. Before my daughter was born, I’d had plenty of time each morning to sip my coffee, read the Word, and pray. Now, waking up to feed a newborn every two to three hours for months at a time, I struggled to stay awake and focus on Bible study for more than five minutes. And I felt guilty that my quiet time didn’t look like it used to.

Sometimes, the patterns of Bible reading that we develop in one season won’t work in the next, and that can lead to false guilt or a sense of shame. But that guilt and shame doesn’t come from the Lord—“there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1)! The Lord understands that his children experience different seasons of life (see Ecc. 3:1–11; Dan. 2:21), and when we walk into a new chapter, he is not surprised by it. Even if we are.

Whether it’s because you’ve become a new mom, a newlywed, a new employee, an empty-nester, or whether you’re dealing with acute or chronic illness, it’s important to acknowledge that your previous approach to reading the Bible might not work in the current one.

Still, don’t allow a challenging season to push you out of the Word entirely. It is your daily bread (Matt. 4:4)! Your responsibility is to be honest about your abilities and limitations in your current season of life, then plan for how you will invest in Bible reading within those realities.

2. Set a Plan for Getting in God's Word

Bible reading won’t just happen for most of us; the world, our own flesh, and the enemy of our souls are all set against our communing with the Lord through his Word. But we want to be women who are becoming more and more like Christ, and the Bible is the best tool we have for shaping our souls and minds: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rom. 12:2a). To get in the Word consistently, we need a plan!

You may not have two hours to meet with God during a life stage with small kids around, but you will have pockets of time that you can reserve for Bible reading. With your season of life in mind, think honestly and creatively about how to dive into the Word, keeping the following elements in mind.


  • Time of day: Take some time to think through the time of day that works best for you to read the Bible—morning, afternoon, right before bed? Perhaps you need to get up before the kids (or stay up after they’re down), or maybe you need to use part of your lunch break at work to read the Word. Be realistic and honest with yourself, and then schedule that time into your daily calendar.
  • Rhythms: Remember the realities of your days, weeks, and months. If you have a spouse that is gone a lot or a job that is highly demanding, you might plan to feast on the Word one day of the week for several hours and then read smaller portions (“snacks”) on other days when you know you will have little to no time.
  • Accountability and structured study: If you know that consistently reading the Word is a challenge for you, consider joining a Bible study group to help you stay accountable to reading the Word. (Bonus: you’ll deepen relationships with other believers in the process!) Is your church hosting a Bible study that you can join? Could you start a Bible study with a small group of friends that meets weekly?

Just as we all need reminders for setting dental appointments or scheduling time to get coffee with a friend, intentional planning will go a long way when it comes to reading the Word.

3. Get Practical

After you’ve acknowledged your season and set a plan, now what? There are countless ways to approach Bible reading with your current phase of life in mind. And the good news is that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16–17). There’s no portion of the Bible that won’t help or strengthen you!

If you’re going through a life stage where you’re longing for wisdom in a particular area of life, such as personal identity, marriage, or growing in discipline, look for a Bible study that focuses on that topic (check out Redefined, Planted, and more from the Well-Watered Co.). If you want to dive deep into a particular book of the Bible, look for studies that focus on that (like Esther: The Fingerprints of God, Gospel of Grace: A Study on the Book of Ruth, or Walk in Grace Journals from the Well-Watered Co.). Or if you want to read through the entire Bible in a year or two, look into chronological journals or reading plans.

Perhaps you’re in a stage of life where it’s more practical to listen to an audio version of the Bible while making dinner or driving in the car. Perhaps you need to use your fifteen-minute lunch break at work to wisely nourish your soul. Consider leaving your Bible open on the counter at home so that you can read a verse every time you pass by.

Expect Growth and Transformation as You Spend Time in God's Word

No matter what season of life you’re in, and no matter what part of the Bible we’re reading, the beautiful truth is that as we spend time in God’s Word, we will be challenged and sanctified by it. For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). The Bible transforms us as we read it, changing us and molding us in Christlike ways.

Still, no matter how we plan, things will always come up to derail us from spending time in the Bible. Don’t be discouraged! Even a small amount of time in the Word is better than none. Rather than focusing on what you can’t do in your current season, focus on enjoying the time that you do have in the Word, and know that the Lord will meet you—and transform you—as you do so!

How to Get in God's Word Every Day - an article from Well-Watered Women quote

Meet the Author

Ann Swindell is the author of The Path to Peace: Experiencing God’s Comfort When You’re Overwhelmed (Bethany House) and Still Waiting (Tyndale). Ann is a member of Wellspring Community Church in Hudsonville, Michigan, where her husband is a pastor. She teaches Christ-centered writing courses at Writing with Grace, and you can connect with her online at

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  1. Sandra Gomez says:

    This is exactly what I’m needing to get me back on track and aligned with God’s word again. I’ve been overwhelmed with so many attacks on my health, and my family that I’ve been praying and asking God to show me what to do? How to begin coming back to Him after feeling so broken, dry and empty. This reconfirms He provides me all I need, but I have to be held accountable too and do my part and stop making excuses. Thank you for your ministry! And I know it wasn’t by accident that I stumbled upon your webpage. (Thank you Jesus!!🙌🏻♥️)

  2. […] This is my newest article for Well-Watered Women You can read the entire article here. […]

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