Well - Watered



I creep down the dark halls of the church basement, a one-year-old clinging to my side like a baby monkey. All is silent. I pad past closed classroom doors, all dark except for a beam of light slanting through the high windows. I wiggle my eyebrows at my companion on my hip. She shrieks with […]

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14   As I walked into the room, I found my two-year-old daughter sitting on top of the washing machine. She was liberally applying a tube of lipstick, dug from out […]

As moms, we can feel like our entire life is one of lowliness. We wipe bums and clean snotty noses. We hold hair back while children puke and scrub dried fruit from our floors. Meanwhile, our hair is greasy from day five of dry shampoo and we smell like old food and sweat. And we […]

When it comes to parenting, the adage “More is caught than taught” rings true. None of us wants to send the message “Do as I say, not as I do” to our kids. We want to be sure they see us as trustworthy, and we want to be godly examples for them to follow. We […]

In an often thankless role like motherhood, we often carry the weight of year-round hard work and sacrifice. So as the month of May approaches, Mother’s Day is a shining beacon. It feels like a point of light shining hope into a land of monotony and overwhelm. It whispers of the possibility of a day […]

Motherhood isn’t what I expected. Don’t get me wrong—I love being a mom. Motherhood is a joy and privilege I prayed and hoped for.  To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what I did expect. Possibly a newborn who would be lulled to sleep by rocking or singing. Maybe routine check-ups and overall good health. […]

When I tell my oldest son that I love him, he often responds, “I love you more!” But I know there’s no possible way he could love me more. I am the parent; he is the child. The love between us originated with me before he even had the ability to love. One day, Lord […]

[Editor’s Note: For a resource that helps your child learn to turn to and trust God when they’re afraid, check out the newly-released Unshaken Courage Cards for Kids. Designed for kids of all ages, these are a means to encourage the fearful hearts of children in your life with the unshakable truth of God’s Word. […]

What will they Remember? There’s something in us, as parents, that feels like we need to make fall magical. The apple cider. The pumpkin patch. The hot cocoa bars. Do you ever find yourself wishing you were that mom with the peppermint stir sticks for the hot cocoa or the caramel syrup for the apple […]

Facing Motherhood I remember facing motherhood not knowing how to be the mother I wanted to be. When I became a mom, I desired to make a home that makes disciples. But I was overwhelmed by what I didn’t know. My own mother grew up in church. But she mothered me more motivated by legalism […]


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