Well - Watered



Preparing for Motherhood “Antenatal what?” I scratched my head, trying to make sense of my therapist’s words. “Antenatal depression.” She continued. “It’s depression that some moms experience before the baby comes.” I let her words sink in. And after a quiet moment, nodded my head in agreement. “I think that sounds about right.” The name […]

When my son was only a few weeks old, I remember battling in my foggy postpartum mom mind (and also out loud with my husband) about whether or not it was a good thing for him to go to bed with the pacifier. What if he became too dependent on it? What if he never […]

Editor’s Note: Today’s article is all about setting perfection aside to meet with Jesus. This article is adapted from the Dear Mama devotional, which features 31 devotionals written by 25 gospel-centered moms. It is full of practical wisdom and helpful instruction for seeking after Jesus as you raise young disciples. We’ve got a special sale […]

Hours before the appointment at which I was told that our baby had died in my womb, I threw up. The nausea that accompanied this pregnancy came on strongly around five weeks, and I continued to throw up for weeks after the baby had left my body. I had forged ahead through all of the […]

Meaningful Moments After Miscarriage It was only a couple of weeks after our first miscarriage. I was leaving the church bathroom on my way to pick up my son from the nursery. A fellow mom I barely knew stopped me at the door. “Hi Lara,” she said. She had that sympathetic tilt to her head […]

An Unusual Birthday Today I turn 31, and today I should be delivering our third baby. It’s a strange feeling to celebrate life and mourn death on the same day. I remember it like it was yesterday. We’d gone to church that morning, and as I sat in the back, I felt a bit “off” […]

The Weight of Motherhood In an often thankless role like motherhood, Mother’s Day may carry the weight of a year of hard work and sacrifice. But this year, in the midst of helping kids with school, physical distance from our church bodies and extended families, friendships pinned together through technology, and an excess of togetherness […]

Meeting the Lord During Pregnancy I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It can’t be 8:00 already! I’m still so tired, I thought as I tried to pull myself out of bed. Nausea and exhaustion tried their hardest to draw me back under the warm blankets, but I knew I needed to gather […]

Now and Then One of my mother-in-law’s best qualities is her ability to save money. One of the many ways we have all benefited from this is her knack for keeping things we’ll need later. When we had our first child (her first grandchild) you would not believe the amount of baby gear she had […]

End of Year Traditions These final weeks of the year, many people pack suitcases or put clean sheets on the guest bed to prepare to spend the holidays with family. Sometimes I am one of those people. I have crammed onto overbooked flights with my husband and kids to spend Christmas with dear ones across […]


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