Spring Give Me Jesus Journal & Proverbs 31 Study

March 25, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

It still amazes me that today we launch the new spring Give Me Jesus Journals. It was just one year ago this month that the Lord began to stir in my heart the vision for the journal. Last May we had the first version of the journal in hand and sold out of the order within one hour. I had absolutely no idea what God would do with these journals and God-sized dream. It began as a tiny mustard seed of faith that God planted and is continuing to water to grow into a garden for His glory! With my knees to the floor and my hands lifted high to the Lord in praise, I am excited to partake in the gospel of grace with you as we study God’s Word together!
As we have prepared for the shop launch today, the Lord has continually pressed in on my heart that the goal of Life Lived Beautifully is to share Jesus. Our goals do not revolve around sales, shares, or followers. The goal of Life Lived Beautifully and every product that has been created and will come to the shop is to glorify the magnificent, glorious name of Jesus Christ. We pray that the new journal and Bible study stirs our heart’s affections for Jesus and that we feed on the living Word of God each day! We want you to join with us in this pursuit of living life beautifully for the glory of our great God!

Today, we are excited to announce to you the new Give Me Jesus Journal and Proverbs 31 Bible study!

Give Me Jesus Journal

“In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus.”

These words are more than just song lyrics, they are a way of life. We do not need “give me Jesus” + anything else. No coffee, no journal, no thing could be added to make Jesus greater than He is. We do not need anything other than our Savior to satisfy our hearts. All we need is Jesus, and that is at the heart of this journal. I named the journal the “Give Me Jesus” journal after the life of my Pawpaw, K. Alvin Pitt. Pawpaw was a pastor for over 50 years and his life song was “Give Me Jesus.” Every morning he would rise with the dawn around 4 AM to spend time eating the Word of God, praying for his church and his family, and preparing his heart for the day. He passed down Bible’s to every grandchild that have been cried over, marked up, torn, underlined, highlighted, prayed over, studied, and cherished. I use his Bible often when I study and need a reminder of what a “Give Me Jesus” life looks like.

Around 4:00 AM on August 2009, my family and I gathered around my Pawpaw as he breathed his last breaths on this earth. We sang his favorite hymns over him and the last one was “In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus.” When we got to the final lyrics – “when I come to die, just give me Jesus” – Pawpaw breathed in once more and went to be with his precious Jesus. I will never forget that holy moment when we witnessed the “Give Me Jesus” life fulfilled through death. That is the reason this journal was called the “Give Me Jesus” journal. I pray that we all live life hungering for Jesus + nothing else. He is truly all that we need.

The Spring “Give Me Jesus” Journals come in two cover options – Spring Abstract and Spring Yellow. Both covers are original paintings I created. The “Give Me Jesus” was hand-lettered by Heather’s Letters.

Spring Yellow Give Me Jesus Journal

Spring Yellow Give Me Jesus Journal

Spring Abstract Give Me Jesus

Spring Abstract Give Me Jesus

The journal is spiral-bound to allow you to lay it flat as you write and study. The beginning of the journal has a set of questions to guide you before you start. These “heart check” questions are meant to help you see what is deep in your heart. Each question was chosen intentionally to point us to Jesus. They are broken down into seven steps. You can go through these one day at a time, all in one sitting, or take them a week at a time.

There are two different inside options for the “Give Me Jesus” Journal. Below is a description of both styles:

40-day Journal: This journal has 40-days with 4-pages per day that have been broken down into sections for you to use while you study the Bible.

  • The first section is “Be Still & Know” – to settle your heart and set it on the Lord.
  • The next section is one to study the Bible called “Drink Deep From the Well.” There are two pages for you to study and write. At the end of the second page there is a reminder to “Selah” – or to be still and know that He is God.
  • The next page is called “Ask & Apply” for you to sum up what you studied with action statements. The new journal includes a box that says “Today I learned” – a place to write an I Will statement.
  • The last page is a “Pray BIG” page for you to write your prayers.
  • This journal also has 20 Notes pages for you to use as sermon notes pages (or anything else you’d like!). Lastly, there is a recap in the end for you to look back and remember what God did.

90-day Journal: This journal has 90-days with 2-pages per day for you to write.

  • This option has a similar front page with “Be Still & Know” and “Drink Deep From the Well.” It has two pages for you to write what you study, pray and learn each day.
  • The front and back questions are included (the same as the 40-day option).
  • There are 5 additional blank “Notes” pages in the end as well as the recap!

Give Me Jesus Journal & Proverbs 31

Give Me Jesus Journal & Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31: Women of Dignity, Washed in Grace

Growing up in the church, I have always been fascinated by the Proverbs 31 woman. Over and over I heard that I should live like the Proverbs 31 woman. However, when I read about this woman, I couldn’t seem to unlock the mystery of who she was. I looked at her as a list of do’s to be done rather than an example of a woman who feared the Lord. I have always loved my check-lists and made a list on what I needed to do to become like this woman. This past year I began to study the life of this woman from a gospel-centered point of view and God set me free from my list. He pointed me to Jesus instead of myself and redefined my view of the Proverbs 31 woman.

The name of the study is Women of Dignity, Washed in Grace. We cannot be women of dignity apart from being washed in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This chapter is not about us, but about Him. It is about living life with the greater vision of following Christ and making much of Him through the way God has created us and the tasks He has given us to do. I pray that as we study the Proverbs 31 woman that we would reclaim her dignity and be reminded of the incredible gospel of God’s grace.

Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 Woman

This study is a 5-6 week study depending on how you would like to study or form a women’s study group. The first week of the study is the introduction for the chapter. The following four weeks study who this woman is in light of the gospel. The last week of the study studies different names of God and reminds us that because of who He is, we can be “women of dignity, washed in grace.”

Click here to download a free leader’s guide to use with your study: Proverbs 31 Leader Guide

We are excited to link arms with you as we study the Word of God together and seek to live the “Give Me Jesus” life!

You can visit the new shop here to purchase your journals and studies!

your sister,


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  1. rachaelhomcy@gmail.com says:

    Gretchen, this is so beautiful! I will definitely be ordering one soon! Praying for you as you continue on this journey. It’s so inspiring.

  2. Sarastar79@gmail.com says:

    GOD bless you all. Amen🕜🕜🕜

  3. sray5@msn.com says:

    I love this amazing inspiring story of a legacy!! It really touched my heart and gives me joy to know where the name of this journal came from!! I love my 40 day Spring yellow "Give Me Jesus Journal" I wished I had ordered several in this edition. I have several of all the editions but this one if my favorite; from the flow to the lovely flowered cover to the story behind it. Thanks for this story and a peek into your family heritage. What a treasure..

    Sherrie Ray

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