Pregnancy, Prayer And Praise

February 20, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.” -Psalm 127:3-4

Last September, our lives changed forever with the taking of one test. I had been feeling unusually tired and my husband noticed that I would frequently get dizzy. In my mind, I just figured my body was doing its usual crazy thing right before that time of the month. Little did I know, something extremely different was happening in my body. God was knitting together a precious child in my womb.

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a momma. Like most dreaming little girls, I cared for my baby dolls as if their “life” depended on me! The list, in order, of what I wanted to be when I grew up ranked like this: 1. Wife 2. Momma 3. Missionary. Little has changed since I declared those three things as a 3rd grader in my presentation on what I wanted to be when I grew up! Most children said things like doctor, astronaut, and teacher, but these three things were dearest to my heart.

The dream seemed so distant, though. Even when I met my husband and we got married, it seemed like it would be so long before we had children! But I still prayed for them before we had even begun talking about beginning that adventure! In September, God surprised us with the blessing of a child and our hearts have been captivated by this little one ever since!

Pregnancy has been different than I imagined. It seems much more normal than I would have thought prior to having a growing belly. Each week the countdown gets closer and closer to meeting our son and our hearts are full with anticipation! As my belly has grown and I have felt our little boy moving and having boxing matches everyday, I have felt an immense pressing on my heart to pray for him. While he has yet to breathe his first breath outside of the womb. Psalm 139:13-14 reminds us that God is literally knitting together this baby in my womb. Take a step back for a minute and think about that – God knit YOU together in your mother’s womb. We all were formed by the creative hands of God, fearfully, wonderfully, and for His glory!

VMP Prayer Journal

VMP Prayer Journal

Praying through my pregnancy has been key. In the beginning, I was surprised by the amount of fears that troubled my heart. How will we afford this? Where will we live? What if I have a miscarriage? Over and over I had to come before the Lord and hand him our babies life and release my troubles at the foot of the cross. If we aren’t careful, Satan will do everything he can to steal our joy from the seasons of life we are in. We must faithfully, consistently, and confidently come before the throne of God with every prayer, petition, and anxiety and leave it at the foot of the cross. (Hebrews 4:16)

My husband and I have prayed for our baby boy and we earnestly long for him to be a warrior for Jesus! Before I met my husband, Greg, I prayed Joshua 1:9 over him and now I am praying this over our son –

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

God’s Word has incredible power, and to pray His Word is to pray His very heart. My friend, Val Woerner, recently released an incredible “Praying Through Pregnancy” prayer journal. I cannot even begin to tell you how much of a blessing this journal has been! I am using it along with my Give Me Jesus Journal to pray for our son and that we would be strong parents in the Lord. It walks through each trimester of pregnancy and is a way to record what happens at each step as well as to pray specifically for each you, your husband, and your baby. Filling this journal out has been an immense blessing to me and it will be a treasure to keep! If you are currently in the stages of pregnancy, or have any friends who are, I highly recommend this journal. 

VMP Pregnancy Journal

VMP Pregnancy Journal

(above photo by Val Marie Paper)

Prayer is an incredible gift of God and way we can communicate with our Almighty Savior. May we get on our knees each day and intercede for those around us, for our children yet to be born, and for the nations of this world to come to know Jesus!

Purchase Val’s prayer journal here!

praying with you,


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  1. I came across your site and blog after listening to you on the Influence Podcast and was so moved by your lovely words. First, congratulations on the miracle of pregnancy! Your words are so poignant and lovely. My husband and I suffered a miscarriage last September and recently found out we are pregnant again, but, like any mother, we are cautious. The verses and words you’ve laid out speak to me during this exciting, but very trying time. I know that I need to trust in Him and His plan, but given our medical history, it’s not always easy. Thank you for allowing Him to use you in such a beautiful way. Prayers for you during the home stretch of your pregnancy!

    • says:

      Abby, I rejoice with you today in the new thing that God is doing in your life and am praying for you during this season! The Lord truly is faithful in all that He does, and I pray that He continues to strengthen your heart as you go through this pregnancy – believing that He is and that He does what He says He can do:) Thank you so much for reaching out and commenting! I would love it if you kept me updated!

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