Well - Watered



We are thrilled to introduce you to Lindsay, one of our newest team members. Lindsay is our amazing Content Editor, and she works diligently to keep us grammatically and scripturally correct in everything we write and publish. We have loved working alongside Lindsay, and we know you will be so encouraged by our interview with […]

WHAT YOU LIVE IN DETERMINES WHAT YOU LIVE FOR I heard that quote as a 12-year-old, sitting in church on a Wednesday night, and it has stuck with me ever since. Let me explain a bit further. What you live in may be a myriad of things, and it can change from day to day. […]

You may know her as Honey, you may have seen her adorable style and wondered, “How can she really be a grandmother and look that cute?!”, or she may be a complete stranger to you. She won’t be one for long, though. Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to our friend Stephanie (or Honey, […]

Do you ever notice your heart can have a tendency to put good before God?  Often I assume that something good is definitely what I am supposed to do, because it is good, after all! Then I jump in headfirst without even consulting God or prayerfully asking Him if this is His will for my life.  […]

The ultimate resolution in the life of the believer is simply stated in these two commands. Love God, and love others. Our New Years Resolutions may change from year to year, but if you are a believer in Christ and are being transformed in His image, then hopefully the heart of your goals each year […]

Week Six Day One  Read: Colossians 1:15-20 Ask: Write down all that you learn about Jesus from this passage. What do the following verses teach us about Him being the Main Character? Isaiah 9:6-7 Matthew 16:24-25 John 1:1-3 John 3:30 John 4:13-14 John 10:14-18 Acts 2:32-33 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Hebrews 1:1-4 Revelation 1:4-8 Revelation 22:12-13, […]

Hope for the Woman Battling Sexual Addiction

In the Light This summer, I led a Bible study for the young singles in our church, and sexual discipleship was one of the topics in this series. It was also the week I had the most anxiety about teaching. In a conversation with a friend, I relayed my nerves about this particular week and […]

Week Five Day One | Daughters of God Read: Romans 8:14-17, Psalm 139:13-14 Ask: When we look at “I AM,” we will be able to answer the question, “Who am I?” A stable identity in Christ is built upon awe. Read the following passages and write down what you learn about your King: Job 38:4-41 […]

Each day we walk into a battlefield of comparison. From perfectly posed Instagram pictures to carefully worded Facebook posts, we compare our worst moments to the seemingly “best” moments of others. We scrutinize what our friends and other women are doing through a tiny filter of social media and belittle the work God is doing in […]

Week Four Day One | Already, But Not Yet Read: Colossians 3:1-11, Ephesians 6:10-20 Ask: What do you learn about Christ and your identity from the passage in Colossians? How have you experienced the tension of living in the “already, but not yet”? How does knowing that you are on the winning side change your […]


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