Well - Watered



Most days we live are pretty ordinary. Wake up, drink coffee, read your Bible, get ready for work, work, eat, exercise, eat, visit friends, read, sleep. This would look extremely different if you have children, but you get the picture. The mountaintop experiences aren’t the norm, the valleys are. The valleys are the places in life where we just walk. We walk and walk and walk without seeing a new sight or getting to a new path. Everything around us seems strangely familiar and we keep looking out for the next turn towards a big adventure.

When creativity becomes a job, it loses life, joy, and authenticity.

My hands were completely a mess. I was in the backyard with all my paints, pencils, and sketchbook. Everything around me was ravishing and eagerly waiting to be brought to life through pen and paper. The dirt I sat on didn’t phase me as I gazed at the flowers in my dad’s tiny garden and drew the spectacular beauty before me. These were no Monet paintings, but they were made form the very depths of who I was. They brought my heart to life. They were me.  As a little girl, creativity was my identity. In school I wasn’t known for my basketball skills (which are literally non-existent), but for my art skills. I hung out with my art teacher and worked on projects with her during our breaks. I embraced every poster project as an opportunity to make something beautiful. I will never forget doing a project on Mother Teresa in middle school. I painted a watercolor portrait of Mother Teresa on white poster board as if it were my chance to show the world the beauty of this woman’s life through paper and brush.

As I loaded the laundry in between having gone to the gym, answering emails, writing a to-do list, and texting with my mom and sister, the Lord reminded me of the importance of doing our work well. I have a tendency to section off my days, overload them into with things to do, and place unrealistic expectations on my hours.

For years, I have read books my recent and older authors that have shaped my walk with Jesus. Having a mentor in my life has always been important in my spiritual growth, but there are several “mentors” that I have never met and will never meet. These people have mentored me through their writing and […]

“Chasing genuine is about chasing holiness. Chasing genuine is about being real, being honest. We are all part of the Great Masquerade, acting as if we have it all together. But let’s be honest: we don’t. And that is okay. It’s no secret that we live in a fallen world where everything is broken. So let’s […]

I am thrilled to begin a new series on Friday’s called “A Life Lived Beautifully.” The Lord laid on my heart to begin sharing stories of real life women living out the gospel everyday where God has placed them. Each one of these women is completely unique with specific passions, giftings, and most importantly, a […]

Dearest friends, As I have journeyed with you, God has brought me to so many places. Mountaintops, valleys, wildernesses, waterfalls. And today He has me basking in the rain of His joy. I’d love to share with you a bit of my heart this morning and would love for you to grab your Bible, a […]

If you’ve followed this blog for a little while, you will notice that one area of my heart I constantly surrender to the Lord is my tendency to try to control circumstances by planning. I LOVE my planner and find so much joy in writing out what I will do for the week, month, and […]

Amy Carmichael, missionary to India, wrote a short, powerful book called “If.” I recently read it along with my quiet time and ended the book with one more question in mind: What If? Throughout her book Amy Carmichael lists “If” statements that lead us back to the depth and richness of calvary love. I keep […]

We live our lives in the open, constantly connected, constantly allowing people into the deep parts of our homes and hearts that were meant to be sacred. This constant connection is exhausting and has caused many believers to lose their purpose and forge the value of face-to-face interaction. Have you ever been on a retreat? The […]


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