Read A Mentor

November 12, 2014  - By Well-Watered Women

For years, I have read books my recent and older authors that have shaped my walk with Jesus. Having a mentor in my life has always been important in my spiritual growth, but there are several “mentors” that I have never met and will never meet. These people have mentored me through their writing and through their fervent love for Christ. Most people would define themselves as either an “avid reader” or “I never pick up a book non-existent reader.” I used to be the latter. But during college I began to pick up books out of my hunger to know God more and ever since then I haven’t been able to stop reading. When I don’t read other books, the fire in my heart starts to fizzle. There is a great awakening of the blaze when we read other’s passions and lessons! I want to challenge you, whether you love to read or (think) you don’t like to read, to pick up a book that will challenge your heart and awaken your mind. Below are some books that I have wrestled through and highly recommend. I would love for you to comment below with other books you have read that have been instrumental in your own life as well! Always remember, though, that no book will ever replace the Word of God. We should never place the words of man over the inspired word of God. Rather, we should pick other books to read that will enhance our knowledge of the Word and encourage us daily to live in obedience to God’s calling. Books should make you hunger for God’s Word even more. That is my desire in the list that is below.

Grab that cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, and pick up a book.

You will be amazed the things God teaches you through the obedience of reading.



  • The Jesus Hearted Woman” by Jodi Detrick – I LOVE this book. If you are in any level of leadership, definitely read this book. (Basically, every one of you leads in some way:)
  • Clout” by Jenni Catron

Following Jesus

  • Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper – Get this book for free here!
  • Love Not The World” by Watchman Nee – Read it online for free here!
  • To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain” by Matt Chandler – A study on Philippians
  • The True Vine” by Andrew Murray – A study on John 15
  • Crazy Love” by Francis Chan – This book ignited a passion in my heart to live as a believer fully in awe of the gospel. I would recommend going back to this from time and time again for a fresh perspective.
  • Resolutions for Women” by Priscilla Shirer
  • If” by Amy Carmichael – This tiny book will challenge your heart with every statement.
  • Follow Me” by David Platt – Again, this book is challenging and eye-opening about discipleship and sharing the gospel.
  • Radical” by David Platt


  • Boundaries” by Cloud and Townsend
  • Breaking Free” by Beth Moore – I have given this book to so many friends. God used this book during a season of my life when I was struggling with my appearance and was trapped by an eating disorder. The Lord opened my eyes to my struggle as I read and to the freedom He offers! (Read more about my story here)
  • “Simply Tuesday” by Emily Freeman
  • The Best Yes” by Lysa TerKheurst

Spiritual Disciplines

  • The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence – I have read this 4 times already and will continue to reread it. It is a short read and opens your eyes to the reality of God’s presence in our lives each day.
  • Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” by Donald S. Whitley – I need to reread this book. It taught me the disciplines of the Christian life in a beautiful way!
  • Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?” by Philip Yancey – I have to admit, this book took me a full year to complete. Partly because I was just beginning to read again, and partly because there is so much meat to it I had to take bite-sized chunks!
  • “Prayer, It’s Nature And Scope” by Trumbull – I am not sure if you can buy this anymore, but read it online here.


Morning and Evening Devotion


I would love to hear what books your recommend as well! Leave a comment below with more books to add to the list!

reading a good book with you,



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  1. Wow, I read all the time, but haven’t read some of these yet! Adding them to my list. I’d recommend:-Love Idol by Jennifer Dukes Lee (life changing on people-pleasing)
    -Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin (she studies the Bible much like you!)
    -Not by Sight by Jon Bloom (makes the Gospel stories come alive in a new way)

    Love the book recommendations!

  2. Sarah says:

    Wow, I read all the time, but haven’t read some of these yet! Adding them to my list. I’d recommend:-Love Idol by Jennifer Dukes Lee (life changing on people-pleasing)
    -Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin (she studies the Bible much like you!)
    -Not by Sight by Jon Bloom (makes the Gospel stories come alive in a new way)

    Love the book recommendations!

  3. says:

    Thank you for this amazing list. There are so many great mentors that we can learn from! I appreciate how you categorized them all. I added “Women of the Word” and “Breaking Free” to my Amazon cart. Thanks again … this is appreciated!

  4. Meg Prellwitz says:

    Thank you for this amazing list. There are so many great mentors that we can learn from! I appreciate how you categorized them all. I added “Women of the Word” and “Breaking Free” to my Amazon cart. Thanks again … this is appreciated!

  5. Wow — so many great sounding books to add to my to-be-read list! I loved Kisses from Katie and devoured it in just a couple days. Its actually a story I read and re-read again and again. I just starting Finding God in a Bag of Groceries, and so far, its pulling at my heart as well!

  6. Ashley C. says:

    Wow — so many great sounding books to add to my to-be-read list! I loved Kisses from Katie and devoured it in just a couple days. Its actually a story I read and re-read again and again. I just starting Finding God in a Bag of Groceries, and so far, its pulling at my heart as well!

  7. So many good books on here! “Mended” is one of my favorites, a constants pick me up and read type book. Even when you are already finished with it.
    “Let’s All Be Brave” Annie F. Downs was my last read recently. So challenging and really seeks to encourage readers to live with courage for the sake of God’s calling. SOON GOOOD!

    “Orphan Justice” is another challenging yet must read books!

    Great list by the way!

  8. So many good books on here! “Mended” is one of my favorites, a constants pick me up and read type book. Even when you are already finished with it.
    “Let’s All Be Brave” Annie F. Downs was my last read recently. So challenging and really seeks to encourage readers to live with courage for the sake of God’s calling. SOON GOOOD!

    “Orphan Justice” is another challenging yet must read books!

    Great list by the way!

  9. I am so excited I found your blog! I also love books and have read so many that have shaped my life. I have a list of 35 books that have changed my life on my blog…too many to write down. Feel free to stop by and check it out. It’s under Archives, Sept. 2013. I also love your heart and love for the Lord, His Word and journaling. I love all those things, too. I have a box of journals that I have kept since I was a young girl. They are so valuable to me. I look forward to buying your Give Me Jesus journal when it becomes available. It looks amazing. Thank you!

  10. Kathy says:

    I am so excited I found your blog! I also love books and have read so many that have shaped my life. I have a list of 35 books that have changed my life on my blog…too many to write down. Feel free to stop by and check it out. It’s under Archives, Sept. 2013. I also love your heart and love for the Lord, His Word and journaling. I love all those things, too. I have a box of journals that I have kept since I was a young girl. They are so valuable to me. I look forward to buying your Give Me Jesus journal when it becomes available. It looks amazing. Thank you!

  11. says:

    Love this!
    Currently in the middle of reading “Ruthless Trust” by Brennan Manning and cannot say enough good about it.

    If you are in a season of doubt, heartbreak, suffering or struggle- you must pick this up! Or even if you just need some encouragement on trusting Him at all times, under any circumstances, no matter what- this will refresh you in so many ways!

  12. Darcee says:

    Love this!
    Currently in the middle of reading “Ruthless Trust” by Brennan Manning and cannot say enough good about it.

    If you are in a season of doubt, heartbreak, suffering or struggle- you must pick this up! Or even if you just need some encouragement on trusting Him at all times, under any circumstances, no matter what- this will refresh you in so many ways!

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