in the secret

August 27, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

We live our lives in the open, constantly connected, constantly allowing people into the deep parts of our homes and hearts that were meant to be sacred. This constant connection is exhausting and has caused many believers to lose their purpose and forge the value of face-to-face interaction. Have you ever been on a retreat? The typical women’s retreat consists of getting away, going to a place secluded with no cell phone service and no connection to the outer world. We are filled in the joy of silence and our hearts become at peace with the stillness of God’s creation. Immediately when we step foot back into our homes and our phones begin to buzz with missed calls, tweets, Instagram likes and Facebook notifications, we feel a sense of overwhelmed coming over us. It’s like everything is shutting in all around.
It’s amazing to me to think that in the sovereignty of God, when He spoke the words in Matthew 6 about the believer’s life and the most precious things being done in secret, He knew that one day our world would be so connected that we would need those boundaries to make our spiritual walk with Him more fruitful. “When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Mt. 6:3-4) “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Mt. 6:6-7) “Your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Mt. 6:18-19) Preceding these commands and promises, Jesus warns us of something great and easily done in our society today, as well as when He spoke the words. “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them.”

A constant connection to the world is draining. God desires that we live our life in the overflow of the secret moments spent with Him rather than the other way around. He wants to tell you secret things from His Word and talk with you like a husband would to a wife. There are things the Lord tells each one of us that should be kept as a treasure, simply between you and the Lord. These are the gems that keep us going and set our hearts on fire for Jesus. Listen to the secret things, treasure them in your heart like Mary, the mother of Jesus, did, and let those secrets fill your cup to overflow so that when you are in the presence of others they can’t help but notice Jesus radiating from your eyes. Guard the secret things. Authentic following of Jesus starts in the secret, in the quiet moments with the Lord behind closed doors when you worship Him with all you are, without anyone knowing. 

What is your hearts intention? Sit for a moment and ask the Lord to search your heart, like David did in Psalm 139. He wanted to be cleansed even of His hidden faults and motives that were impure and self-centered. It may come as a surprise to you, but we sin even when we don’t know we are sinning and need to be cleansed of those sins (Psalm 19:12-13). Sister, we are utterly in need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at all times! We need His blood to cover us, to fill us to overflow His love and to sacrifice all things that life us high so that HE might be lifted high in our lives. We need His blood to overflow into all areas of our lives, even the area of social media. We need Him to cleanse us of selfish ambition, comparison and discontentment so that we can be free to worship Him in secret and honor Him. How beautiful would it be if we all bowed before our King with no one watching and no one knowing other than Him?

Fill us up and send us out, Lord, so that our lives, our breath, our smiles and our words make much of You and You alone.

treasuring the secret things,



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  1. Thank you for this. Your writing and your thoughts matter to me in my life. xo

  2. Bonita Rose says:

    Thank you for this. Your writing and your thoughts matter to me in my life. xo

  3. says:

    How wonderful Gretchen. Thank you!

  4. Chris Thomas says:

    How wonderful Gretchen. Thank you!

  5. says:

    Such a timely word! Thank you.

  6. Sharon Meekins says:

    Such a timely word! Thank you.

  7. says:

    What a beautiful and much needed reminder. I love how you mention that God knew that we would live in a time where we would need boundaries and that is where Matthew 6 comes in. I have never thought of it that way before.<3

  8. Mykaila says:

    What a beautiful and much needed reminder. I love how you mention that God knew that we would live in a time where we would need boundaries and that is where Matthew 6 comes in. I have never thought of it that way before.<3

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