Well - Watered



There’s a fantasy Christmas I’ve constructed in my mind. Maybe you have one too? During this fantasy Christmas season, I eat all of the most scrumptious treats without gaining a pound. I watch all of my favorite Christmas movies and listen to all of my favorite Christmas music. The lovely season is devoid of family […]

Loving Others When It's Not So Easy: Loving the Ungrateful During the Holidays

Every year, amidst the cheerful tunes ringing throughout stores, the twinkling lights adorning the rooftops, and the comforting scent of cookies baking, there always seems to be a “scrooge” I come across who crushes the joy of the season. It could be a family member who refuses to crack a smile beneath the scowl on […]

the most wonderful time of the year Hey sister, When I was a little girl I remember the thrill of waking up on Christmas morning and walking into the living room to see presents under the twinkling evergreen tree. Our family would eat breakfast, read the Christmas story in one of the gospels, and open […]

Advent Study: Advent is a time in the Christian calendar leading up to Christmas Day that ignites our longings for Jesus as we pause and remember what it was like to yearn for His birth. Its purpose is to stir the embers of our hearts as we look to Jesus and praise Him for coming to rescue us. These embers, when stirred by the Holy Spirit, turn into a raging flame that draws the world to its warmth. It only takes a single spark to illuminate the darkness!

When my husband and I were first married we travelled to Hawaii for our honeymoon. As young explorers do, we set out to experience all Hawaii had to offer. While visiting Maui, we decided to wake up early one morning and go watch the sunrise on Haleakala. Arriving at the top of the massive volcano, […]

ASCENDING CALVARY Last fall we introduced a new study entitled He Is: Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Name. This beautiful fictional narrative was written by Kara Holmes, Gretchen’s sister. It combined elements of a fictional story with truth from Scripture, and we spent the time leading up to Christmas digging into the names of God. […]

Prince of Peace | December 20: Wanting a deeper relationship with God must involve forgiveness on our part towards others. Is there someone in your life that God continually brings to your mind because you harbor unforgiveness towards them? They may be completely unaware that you feel this way. What instruction are we given in […]

Everlasting Father | December 14: Have you shared your story of Christ’s redemption in your life? As you invest time into the life of another person, sharing your story with them will be a natural overflow of that relationship. Your story is how Christ has saved you and given you new life. Has there been […]

Mighty God | December 8: Have you experienced a tragedy in your life that consumes you? If so, what was it? Because of Christ’s death on the cross, it is possibly to have peace even when suffering has been or is a part of your story. Read 1 Peter 5:9-11. What is the promised end […]

December 1 It’s December 1, the beginning of a month that can bring about mixed emotions. For some, it’s the start of the Christmas season and nothing but joy fills your heart and home. But for others, it’s the start of a holiday that brings sadness because of lost loved ones, tense family dynamics, financial […]

Thanksgiving is TOMORROW, and then comes the official start of the Christmas season! The time has come to pull out all the Christmas decorations, pick out a tree, and start thinking about how you’ll spend the next few weeks as a family. We want this season of Advent, anticipating the coming of Christ, to be […]


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