Our Guide to a Well-Watered Christmas

November 20, 2018  - By Well-Watered Women


the most wonderful time of the year

Hey sister,

When I was a little girl I remember the thrill of waking up on Christmas morning and walking into the living room to see presents under the twinkling evergreen tree. Our family would eat breakfast, read the Christmas story in one of the gospels, and open presents, one-by-one. We would watch each family member open their presents to fully embrace their joy and surprise. The gift-giver got as much enjoyment out of it as the one receiving the gift.

As the years have progressed, my heart has come to realize that every present under the tree is just a picture pointing to THE greatest present of all, Jesus. He is the greatest Gift we could ever give or receive. The gifts we unwrap are simply reminders to our soul that the things on earth will fade away, but Jesus never will. He brings ultimate satisfaction that lasts beyond Christmas day—all the way into eternity!

Each year our team compiles a “Well-Watered Christmas” Guide with gifts we believe will point you, your family, and your friends to Christ! In this guide you’ll find products from shops we love, advent traditions, two amazing recipes, ways to give HOPE this Christmas, and sneak peeks into what’s coming to Well-Watered Women this Black Friday!

We hope you enjoy it! Grab a cup of hot chocolate (extra marshmallows, please!), turn on some Christmas music, and enjoy browsing through this guide!

Sipping my hot cocoa with you,


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