He Is: Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Name | Week Two

December 8, 2017  - By Well-Watered Women

Mighty God | December 8:

Have you experienced a tragedy in your life that consumes you? If so, what was it?

Because of Christ’s death on the cross, it is possibly to have peace even when suffering has been or is a part of your story. Read 1 Peter 5:9-11. What is the promised end for a believer walking through a season of suffering? 

You must remember that when you walk through suffering, you are not alone. Christ has suffered with us, and there are believers around the world experiencing the same suffering. You are never alone. 

Mighty God | December 9:

Words are never wasted in scripture, and Isaiah’s use of the name Mighty God was no exception. This second name ascribed to the coming Messiah establishes an unalterable link between the baby prophesied to be born and the Hebrew God. No doubt, the ears of the Israelites who heard Isaiah’s words would have been pricked with recollection at the name Mighty God. 

The Old Testament is filled with examples of God’s mighty works on behalf of the Israelites. We have the benefit of hindsight, knowing that all of God’s merciful, gracious acts were building toward the coming of Jesus. Every event in the Old Testament — including the law, the levitical priesthood, and the establishment of a human king for Israel — foreshadowed Christ, revealing to the people their sinful limitations and their desperate need for a Redeemer. And to the glory of God for the salvation of all men, Christ came, offering the only sacrifice that satisfied our sin debt once and for all!

Read Hebrews 9:24-28. 

Today, you can know Jesus personally because He came to earth, Mighty God in human flesh, to give His life for the redemption of yours. Praise God today for the sufficient, complete work of Christ the Mighty God in bringing you deliverance from your sins!

Mighty God | December 10:

The word Hebrew word “mighty” indicates physical power, strength, and prowess. The image of a mighty warrior in battle comes to mind, or that of a conquering military or political leader. We only need watch the news to be reminded that simply because a person possesses physical might or power, this is never a guarantee that the individual will use his strength for the benefit of others. 

Scripture continuously affirms the fact that God is benevolent in His might, using His power to work redemptive miracles on behalf of humanity. This is ultimately displayed through the life of Christ, the Mighty God, who used His might to heal the broken and to serve the weak. Though He had every right to demand our allegiance and to exact justice for our offenses, instead, He humbled Himself so that we might be saved. 

Read Isaiah 61:1-3 and Luke 4:14-21. What do these verses reveal about Christ as Mighty God? 

Isaiah prophesied what Jesus would do on behalf of all people in verses 1-3. Then, in Luke, Jesus read the same verses aloud in the synagogue. He was the fulfillment of the prophesy!

Allow Christ’s grace to wash away any guilt or shame you may carry. Jesus holds the key to your freedom. As Mighty God, He has released you from the grip of sin and given you a new life to live for Him.

Mighty God | December 11:

Jesus being fully God and fully Man is of utmost importance to the Christian faith, and scripture makes this abundantly clear throughout its pages. But why? Why did God’s redemption plan require that His Son leave the throne, put on human flesh, and dwell among us? Why was it that no human could do what only Jesus could?

In short, our Redeemer needed to be perfectly holy and completely absent of sin in order to save us. As was evidenced throughout the Old Testament, no human could achieve this. The only option was that the Redeemer be fully God — the Mighty God. At the same time, our Redeemer needed to live the human life, facing every temptation and overcoming sin (See 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, and 1 John 3:5). Jesus took on human form, experiencing the full range of human emotions, facing the temptations common to man in this fallen world, yet He was perfect. He overcame sin so we could be free of its powerful hold on our hearts.

Read Matthew 4:1-11 and Hebrews 5:7-10.  How did Jesus respond to temptation? In what ways does His sinless life bring you hope as you walk this journey, knowing He has gone before you and is always with you? 

Praise the Lord today for His love that showed greatly in His suffering for you.

Mighty God | December 12:

Read Psalm 24. This psalm was traditionally sung in the Temple every Sunday morning, as worshippers honored their Mighty God through sacrifice. While historically verses 7-10 describe the priests bringing the ark of the covenant into the walls of Jerusalem, perhaps after victory in battle, some commentators also attribute these verses to the ascension of Christ when He returned to heaven in victory after His resurrection from the dead.

Verse 7 commands us to look up and see the Lord in His mighty power. We often miss seeing Him because we are focused on our small troubles rather than His great might. Looking up to Him requires surrendering your worries, fears, and problems into His mighty and able hands. How can you “look up” and praise the King of glory? Write a prayer of praise below, committing to live a life of looking up to see Him in His full power and might.

Mighty God | December 13:

Sometimes people are prevented from turning to God because of the sinful actions and attitudes of God’s own children. While you should never profess to be perfect, the lost world does expect more from those claiming to belong to God. As you read Sarah’s story this week, negative experiences with Christians affected her view of God. Are you living in a way that points others to the grace of God and testifies to His sanctifying work in your life? Is there any bitterness in your heart toward another believer that you need to repent of and ask God for healing and freedom from? Petition Mighty God to unite your heart with the body of Christ. Ask Him to reveal truth where you may be believing a lie and pray earnestly for unity among believers. Read Philippians 2:1-7.

Using your own gifts, abilities, and passions, how can you bless another person? You can encourage someone with the gift of a phone call or listening ear, your favorite baked good, an offer to watch their children or a card written specifically to them. Embrace the opportunity to give your time this Christmas season!


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