He Is: Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Name | Week Three

December 14, 2017  - By Well-Watered Women

Everlasting Father | December 14:

Have you shared your story of Christ’s redemption in your life? As you invest time into the life of another person, sharing your story with them will be a natural overflow of that relationship. Your story is how Christ has saved you and given you new life. Has there been a time you met Jesus as Savior? He is waiting for you to say ‘yes’ to Him. If you have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, write a brief testimony below that you could use to share with another person. If you have not accepted Christ, make today the day you commit your life to follow Him. Read Romans 10:9. 

Read 1 John 1:9 and John 3:16. What hope do the following verses give us?

Everlasting Father | December 15:

The third name Isaiah ascribes to Jesus is “Everlasting Father.” Initially, this title might confuse us, as images of the Trinity come to mind. The mysterious nature of the Trinity is difficult for our feeble minds to grasp, but we know that the Trinity consists of three persons — God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit — who are distinct, yet three in one. This name, however, does not refer to Christ’s relationship within the Trinity, but to His relationship with time and with humanity.

Jesus is the Author of our salvation, the Founder of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). As the Everlasting Father, we are His “spiritual seed, whom He has begotten by His word and Spirit.” Many relationships in this world serve as shadows or imperfect examples of the real and perfect nature of God; however, we know the perfect character of the Everlasting Father through Jesus’ relationship with us. 

Read Matthew 11:27-30 and Revelation 1:8. We know the perfect character of the Everlasting Father through Jesus’ relationship with us. He is our Burden-bearer, Hope-bringer, and Present-Savior. What heavy burdens can you lay at the feet of the Everlasting Father today? 

Rest in Him. Take time to stop all that you are doing simply to sit in His presence, soaking in His promises, speaking to Him, and surrendering to His purposes. 

Everlasting Father | December 16:

Have you ever marveled at the manner through which God revealed Himself to humanity? That the Sovereign and Almighty God, who could have come in royal strength and unconquerable might, with legions of warrior angels in His stead, instead chose the weak and lowly form of a baby? That He could have used miraculous displays of His power and wielded the forces of nature to both humble and terrify us, but instead He chose a life of poverty, drawing men unto Himself through a gospel founded upon servanthood and giving rather than taking?

When we read in the Gospels about Jesus, the Son of God, we also meet God the Father. We study His life, examine His ways, and meditate upon His words, and we are literally communing with God Himself. This is because Jesus, the Everlasting Father, is “the image of the invisible God”  (Colossians 1:15). It is through the work of Jesus that we are able to approach God and to know Him (Hebrews 4:14-16). 

Read John 10:30; 14:9-11. What do you learn about Christ as Heavenly Father from these verses?

Sometimes your view of Christ’s role as Father may be clouded by your relationship with your earthly father. Other times it is helped. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself as your Everlasting Father who you can know intimately through Jesus.

Everlasting Father | December 17:

It’s no surprise that one of the most vulnerable, sacred human relationships is also one of the most susceptible to distortion, disappointment, and the ravages of sinful choices. A child cannot choose his/her parents anymore than a bird can choose its size, and the character and integrity of a father will undoubtedly have lifelong impacts on his children. Many walk around with openly wounded or scarred hearts from the rejection, unfulfilled promises, and/or abusive choices of their fathers. Even those dads who might be ranked among the most loving of fathers could never be perfect.

But Jesus is in the business of making all things new, and that includes our need for a perfect, loving Father. Through Christ’s costly sacrifice, He purchased our freedom from sin and granted us adoption into the family of God. It would be a mistake to lump those two actions into one and to miss the powerful grace displayed in both. That He freed us from sin is inconceivable and abounding with unmerited favor, yet Jesus did not stop there (1 John 3:1). He gave us an eternal family and a Father whose love is always trustworthy, whose intentions are always good, and whose promises are always fulfilled. He is our Everlasting Father!

Read Galatians 4:4-5 and Ephesians 1:3-10.

Everlasting Father | December 18:

Read Psalm 103. In this Psalm by David, you read of the benefits the Everlasting Father bestows to His children. Benefits your earthly father is incapable of giving no matter his love for you. List them below and praise the Lord for His love and compassion for you.

Everlasting Father | December 19:

Is there a sin or shameful experience that still plagues you throughout your days and nights? Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, you can experience forgiveness and restoration with the Everlasting Father. If you have already confessed this sin and received Christ’s forgiveness, spend time in prayer, asking God to help you forgive yourself and live in the freedom He has given. Seek wise counsel from a trusted friend if you need more help. 

It is an unfortunate reality that often, the widows and the elderly among us are often overlooked in our society, and even in our churches. Sometimes, they have very practical needs that we can help meet, such as cooking them a meal, cleaning their house, or taking them to the store. Other times, their greatest need is for emotional support and companionship. Ask the Lord to show you an elderly person in your community or church that you can be a blessing to this Christmas season or in the coming new year. Write down her name and your experience after you’ve taken time to go out of your way and love her as Christ has first loved you. Read 1 John 4:19 and James 1:27.

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