Well - Watered


Give Them Jesus

One Afternoon in Uganda “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all the peoples!” (Psalm 96:3) There she was, lying exposed on a cot in the area which they had deemed the “post-natal ward.” It was a hot and humid afternoon in Jinja, Uganda, where our mission team was visiting the local […]

Our Plans We will become foster parents once we have “our own” kids. That’s what my husband and I thought for a while. But God had other plans. On our first date, we talked about how we would love to adopt one day. However, when we became aware of the plight that is the foster […]

the cycle of seclusion It’s been a long day. You are exhausted as you pull into your garage and close the door behind you, grateful for a neighborhood that values seclusion as much as you do. Life regularly looks like closed doors and quiet evenings. On Sunday your pastor might mention hospitality. You cringe a […]

Loving Others When It's Not So Easy: Loving the Ungrateful During the Holidays

Every year, amidst the cheerful tunes ringing throughout stores, the twinkling lights adorning the rooftops, and the comforting scent of cookies baking, there always seems to be a “scrooge” I come across who crushes the joy of the season. It could be a family member who refuses to crack a smile beneath the scowl on […]

the most wonderful time of the year Hey sister, When I was a little girl I remember the thrill of waking up on Christmas morning and walking into the living room to see presents under the twinkling evergreen tree. Our family would eat breakfast, read the Christmas story in one of the gospels, and open […]

Shining the Light of Christ This Halloween: When we choose to instead close our doors and turn off the lights, we miss the one night of the year where our neighbors are coming to us! How often do we invite people to church or to our home for a gathering only to be rejected? What a wonderful opportunity to say “yes!” on Halloween night when they come straight to our doors. This time of year is the beginning of cooler weather, festive gatherings, and togetherness. It offers us the opportunity to reach out to our neighbors and friends in creative ways.

Halloween. It’s like a four-letter word in some Christian circles. Yes, there are some pagan roots that do not line up with the Bible. There are practices this time of year that are downright demonic. But when most people mention that they enjoy celebrating Halloween, they aren’t talking about their love of séances and Ouija […]

Place Makers: How to be Inclusive as a Woman of God

“I saved a seat for you!” These words from my new friend were exactly what I needed to hear to take a deep breath and relax. Just moments before, I had been sitting in my car and very seriously considering just going home. As a generally outgoing person, I was embarrassed by how nervous I […]

This post was written by Kara Holmes. Kara is a wife and mother, Gretchen’s older sister, and has contributed to many of the Well-Watered Women Bible Studies. You can follow along with her on her blog, Chasing Genuine , and you can read more from her in our Ascending Calvary devotion. Forgiven to Forgive When […]

Introduce yourself as if we were on a coffee date! Tell us about yourself. Hi, I’m Dianne! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little. 🙂 I am a military wife with three kids, and we live in an old farmhouse located in Central Pennsylvania. My husband and I are […]

Give Me Jesus… Friends, we cannot fully explain the joy and excitement behind this particular launch because it would take us far too long! If we could sit down over a cup of coffee this morning, we would share our heart behind these products. We would tell you that this journal has been a work […]


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