Well - Watered


Give Them Jesus

There’s no better way to begin this post than with the living and active words of Scripture. Take a moment to read this short passage slowly, asking Jesus to show you something new in His Word: “Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into […]

A portion of every dollar spent in our shop always goes to support Kupendwa Ministries, but today and tomorrow, March 17th & 18th, 100% of proceeds will go to support this wonderful Christ-centered ministry. If you’ve had your eye on anything from the shop, this is the time to buy!

Lying on the cold airport floor, shaking and vomiting, wasn’t exactly how I thought our mission trip to Madrid would begin. As I lay there with a wet rag on my forehead, my team huddled around me and I could hear my baby crying nearby, wanting me to hold him. In that moment, I knew […]

The season of revival is upon us. In the blink of an eye, tiny sprouts of green will bud on the trees and the drops of color will sprinkle the ground. Spring is coming. My heart races at the thought of spring each year. By the time March comes around, the bare trees and bleak skies have made my heart burn for color and life. The seasons come and go every year, echoing the sound of revival and restoration. For centuries, God has continued His work of redemption in the spring, bring what was once dead back to life. What an incredible picture of the gospel? What a magnificent painting of grace!

This post was written last January and this morning the Lord reminded me once more of the words He spoke to me when I wrote this. Your mission is now, friends. Not tomorrow. He calls us to be faithful in this day. May we grab hold of the mission to know Christ and make Him known as we go throughout our days. 

“ And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 (emphasis mine) “Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may […]

Only one life, twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last :: CT Stud (Day 16 in our study of 1 Peter – 1 Peter 4:3-6) Each day we are given 24 hours, 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds. That seems like so many, but in reality, at the end of each day […]

There are over 30 million slaves in human trafficking. Women, daughters, mothers and children are being robbed of freedom and dignity at every moment. Around  20 to 65 million Indians women and children are trafficked in India alone. The numbers are heart-breaking and the task to end this industry seems unbelievably large, but there are […]


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