Friday Feature: iSanctuary

March 28, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

IndiaThere are over 30 million slaves in human trafficking. Women, daughters, mothers and children are being robbed of freedom and dignity at every moment. Around  20 to 65 million Indians women and children are trafficked in India alone. The numbers are heart-breaking and the task to end this industry seems unbelievably large, but there are incredible organizations that are working diligently to rescue these women and give them hope and a new life. iSanctuary is one of those incredible non-profits who are in the darkest places in India reaching these women and offering them freedom.


Over the past few years the Lord has placed a burden on my heart to be involved in the end of human trafficking. In October my husband and I traveled to India so we could see firsthand what the culture is like and what the needs are. As we walked through the streets I couldn’t help but imagine what these women must go through. My mind was gripped with the hurt they are experiencing while I walk in freedom. In Isaiah 61 we are given a clear command to set captives free and to be burden-bearers. Jesus came to offer the hopeless hope. He came to rescue those who are in prison. He came to buy back those who are in chains. We are called to do the same for these girls.

Bangalore, India


iSanctuary Since 2007, iSanctuary has been a part of this beautiful mission. They have served over 200 women and girls who have been rescued from sex trafficking in both Mumbai, India and Orange County, California. I can’t tell you enough how much I support this organization! They are working on the front lines with these women, offering them hope, giving them dreams again and providing for them financially, spiritually and physically. When you purchase jewelry from them, your purchase will have been made by a women in India, packaged, by her, processed by a survivor in the US and shipped by a survivor in the US. At every step of the process, the jewelry you purchase will have been touched by the hands of those who have been set free.

purchase with purpose.

I purchased the Bellissimo Gold Necklace and Barbed Wire Brass Bangle from iSanctuary and have worn both of them almost everyday! When I opened my package I and pulled out my breath-taking pieces of jewelry, tears came to my eyes. The survivor who made the piece of jewelry signed her name on the tag. I am able to pray for these girls and treasure their work. The quality of the jewelry is outstanding. Each time I have worn them I have received compliments and been able to share about the mission of the organization. This is one way I can be a part of the end of human trafficking. I can spread awareness, support the women financially, enjoy the fruit of their creativity, and so can you! 


There are several ways you can support iSanctuary. First, you can purchase the jewelry and spread awareness. I guarantee, once you see the quality and beauty of the pieces you will only purchase jewelry from here! You can also host a trunk show to share with your friends. If you are in college, you can become a campus ambassador and spread the word to your fellow students. Lastly, you can live in India working with the women. If you have a heart for travel, missions and serving, I would definitely look into this!

Whether you are on the front lines rescuing these girls or supporting through purchasing, awareness and prayer, what you do matters. We must go forth in the name of Jesus and be ambassadors or His freedom and grace.

For His glory, for the gospel, for true freedom.

purchasing with purpose,

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