Well - Watered



Throughout Scripture we see a woven thread that points us to a need for God. In the Shema, the Israelites were told to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. They were to talk about Him with their children and keep His commandments before their eyes and on their hearts. They were to […]

We trust people who are like us. Think about who you vote for, who you sit next to in church, and who you let watch your kids. It’s people who are like you. We constantly surround ourselves with like-minded people because we trust them. We want to follow leaders who think like us because we […]

When we were first married, my husband and I, like many young couples, had opposite expectations for many things. When our first anniversary rolled around, he wanted to go camping but I wanted to go to Malibu. When buying items for our first Christmas, he grabbed the colored Christmas lights and I grabbed the white. […]

“Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare […]

When feelings feel overwhelming “I feel so out of control. I am such a mess. I feel CRAZY.” I have spoken these exact words, or some rendition of them, more times than I can count over the past two months. My story with medication for depression and anxiety began a few years ago, but this […]

I know the holidays are busy and time alone with Jesus is hard to come by…but that doesn’t mean we have to go through the holidays far from Him. We’ve got to fight for time with Him, and be flexible with what that looks like each day. Here are a few ways I fight for […]

We’ve all been there. Approaching Thanksgiving Day with a list of complaints piling up in our hearts, clouding our vision from what truly matters. I’ve walked through a lot of Thanksgivings struggling to be truly grateful, with my eyes set on the temporary and not the eternal. If you’re in the same boat, struggling to […]

Hope for the Woman Battling Sexual Addiction

In the Light This summer, I led a Bible study for the young singles in our church, and sexual discipleship was one of the topics in this series. It was also the week I had the most anxiety about teaching. In a conversation with a friend, I relayed my nerves about this particular week and […]

From Peer to Fear I remember sitting in my ninth grade Sunday school class hearing about peer pressure. The example was someone standing on a chair trying to pull another friend up onto the chair with them. No matter how hard she tried, it was much easier for the friend on the ground to pull […]

I woke up this morning another year older. When I was younger I couldn’t wait to enter my twenties, but now that I am nearing the end of them I am coming to a fuller realization that these days are limited. Life seems to speed up as the years progress at a rate I can barely keep up with! Lately, there is rarely a day that feels as if life is inching by like it did when I was a child. Back then, I couldn’t wait to get to the next step to experience what was coming. I often wished away the season I was in so I could get to the next one where I would go to college…or get a real job…or become a wife…or have a home…or have a baby (the list could go on and on). Now that all of these things have come to fruition, I’m realizing more and more that these things were never meant to satisfy my soul. Only Jesus can do that.


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