Choosing Christ in the Christmas Chaos

November 27, 2017  - By Gretchen Saffles

I know the holidays are busy and time alone with Jesus is hard to come by…but that doesn’t mean we have to go through the holidays far from Him. We’ve got to fight for time with Him, and be flexible with what that looks like each day.

Here are a few ways I fight for time with Jesus when life gets busy:

1. Write Truth on your hand.

Pick one verse to continually meditate on and write it on your hand or on a card to take with you as a reminder of His faithfulness, right before your eyes.

2. Steal away quiet moments with Jesus.

It might be at an odd time or in an odd place (yep, I’ve had my quiet time in the bathroom before if it was the only place to be alone!), but Jesus is the same wherever you meet with Him! Look for opportunities to sneak away and open the Word.

3. Put Truth on your phone.

Pull up the Bible app when you are traveling. Set your lock screen to a verse of encouragement–we’ve got a ton of those here! Keep Truth before your eyes.

4. Pray, rejoice, and commune with Jesus as you go.

Keep talking to Him…even in the chaos. Talk ABOUT Him with friends and family. Let gratitude flavor your speech and your thoughts.

We don’t have to go through the holidays with empty hearts. Let’s make Christ our priority, and fight for moments with Him. Bring Him your empty cup, and watch Him fill it up to overflowing. How will you fight for time with Jesus this week? 

choosing Christ,


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  1. I love the part about stealing away time for Jesus during the busy Christmas time. I needed this reminder as I tend to get caught up in the moment. Especially, around Christmas time.

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