Well - Watered



The Everyday Decisions When my husband and I were in our early twenties, we decided to run a half marathon. It seemed reasonable to us that two couch potatoes could become runners during the twelve weeks of training, but that was an assumption built on the idea that we would actually complete all of the […]

Meeting the Lord During Pregnancy I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It can’t be 8:00 already! I’m still so tired, I thought as I tried to pull myself out of bed. Nausea and exhaustion tried their hardest to draw me back under the warm blankets, but I knew I needed to gather […]

Grief and Friendship In the past couple of years, some of my dearest friends have walked the path of searing grief. Not long ago, I stood next to a friend in the receiving line of her mom’s funeral. Just a couple of months ago I cried on the other end of the phone as a […]

“Count it all joy…”  These introductory words from the New Testament letter of James have been tumbling around in my mind. They’re giving me gut punches when I want to complain, and comforting my heart when discouragement threatens my peace. The question strikes my heart: is it really possible to “count it all joy” in […]

Choosing Intentionality Don’t waste your quarantine. Yes, I know it’s inconvenient and very unsettling. I know plans are drastically changed and a new normal hasn’t been set in place. But even still, don’t waste these days. Some day this quarantine will end. Some day things will be back to the norm. But will we look […]

Chasing Your Dreams You only have one life to live, so chase your dreams. This quote, and others like it, permeate the messaging in our culture today. While Scripture agrees that our lives are short (James 4:14), nowhere does it tell us to chase the dreams and goals we have for ourselves. Rather than make […]

Now and Then One of my mother-in-law’s best qualities is her ability to save money. One of the many ways we have all benefited from this is her knack for keeping things we’ll need later. When we had our first child (her first grandchild) you would not believe the amount of baby gear she had […]

In order to fully immerse ourselves in this season of Advent, we have to start at the very beginning and ask one simple question: Why?  Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we partake in Advent? I grew up in a Christian home with a lineage of pastors and a father who was also a […]

I sat on our couch one sunny afternoon with a mama friend, sipping tea and catching up on life. Her little one was lying happily on the floor, chewing on a rubber toy.  This lovely young mother bore the signs of one who had been in the trenches of new motherhood. Many nights of little […]

Halloween and Your Heart Halloween is an ongoing topic of discussion among Christians every year when fall arrives. There are faithful, obedient ways to participate or abstain. There are also ungodly ways to participate or abstain. Strong opinions abound, and we pray you will search Scripture and be led by the Holy Spirit in forming […]


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