Well - Watered


Scripture Memory

The Story That Speaks One of my most prized possessions is a tattered, torn, and very fragile book. Not only do the words tell a Story, but the tears, the blurred markings, the scribbled notes and the pieces of tape that hold pages together tell that this Story is real. The letters in this book […]

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high-school English teacher in Singapore. Read more from Becca on her blog. True faith isn’t trying out Jesus in the hopes that he will make something “better,” it is entrusting our entire life to him. In Mark 9, Jesus heals the possessed boy, but the boy then […]

We can’t look to other people to find the hope that only Jesus can give us. We have all “failed” and fallen short of God’s glory. But the hope we have is this: Christ Jesus never fails.

Week 7: James Scripture Memory Challenge

Week 4 of our James Scripture memory challenge!

The gospel changes everything. I grew up in church with a dad who was a pastor. At the age of seven I committed to follow Jesus and the Lord redirected the path of my life. I knew that Jesus mattered and that following Him changed the way I lived my life. However, it wasn’t until […]

The moment your alarm went off this morning, you started thinking and making decisions. The first one would be to actually turn the alarm off, move from the cozy covers, and plant your feet on the floor to start your day. We are constantly thinking, making decisions, and meditating on something. The wheels in our minds are constantly turning, churning, mulling, dreaming, deciding, making conclusions, worrying, praising, and so on. My husband occasionally catches me off guard and asks me what I am thinking when he can tell I am distracted or am concentrating. Usually I sit for a second trying to decipher all the thoughts that were running through my head! Our minds are constantly busy directing our steps.

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities–all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things and in him all things hold together.”  Colossians 1:16-17 by him Each time I open the Word, the […]


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