True Faith & Unbelief

June 27, 2017  - By Becca Lafferty

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high-school English teacher in Singapore. Read more from Becca on her blog.

True faith isn’t trying out Jesus in the hopes that he will make something “better,” it is entrusting our entire life to him.

In Mark 9, Jesus heals the possessed boy, but the boy then appears dead. It gets worse before it gets better. But the real lesson here comes from the father of this boy who begs Jesus for help. He exclaims that he believes in Christ’s power, and IN THE SAME BREATH acknowledges that his faith is still inadequate in comparison to the sheer breadth of Jesus’ power and capacity.

This sort of active faith and confession leads to true reversal of evil in the world. Faith comes from hearing the word of God and pressing in to God through prayer. Even when we are faced with unbelief or uncertainty.

As I face a new year of school full of uncertainty, I am humbled to recognize that I need to be praying more, I need to press in to Jesus, I need to ask for help! He makes me brave and He helps me to believe.

Another way I can practice true faith and belief is by actively praying through the armor of God. Anxiety and depression have tunneled my vision and oppressed my spirit for a large part of my life. I’m so thankful for the people in my life who have held my hand as I’ve been shaky and sad. But recently I woke up and intentionally prayed on each piece of the armor of God.

We serve a God who fights for us and with us. As I started praying, I was struck by how each piece of the armor protects me from the ways that anxiety and depression attack me – my mind, my heart, and my purpose. God’s truth and salvation, righteousness and word never fail; they are constant. Even when the lies in my head and the heart palpitations tell me I can’t breathe and the world is falling apart, God’s truth and His peace anchor me.

Oh marvelous light, You are something good. Thanks, Mark 9 + The Holy Spirit + Simon.

believing in the unbelief,


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  1. Amen! Thank you so much for sharing this! There is power in the name of Jesus!

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