Well - Watered


My Not So Quiet Time

Tomorrow we begin studying through the book of Colossians following the outline of the Walk In Grace journal. The next five weeks are a chance to dig deeply into the Word of God and walk in the grace we receive through following Christ. Our prayer is that the time spent in the pages of Scripture […]

Walk In Grace. It sounds nice. But what does it really mean? I think walking in grace is all about recognition followed by application. We have to have an open heart to recognize the graces God has given us – both the ultimate grace of forgiveness through salvation, and the subtle graces of goodness He’s […]

We are excited to release the “Today Collection” in the shop today! Find the perfect Mother’s Day gift and stock up on hope-filled products here!

There are moments in life I wish I could erase but are seared onto my memory like a tattoo. One of those moments was last fall when I walked through a season of depression and intense anxiety. A darkness descended on my soul that felt unbearable at times. It seemed impossible most days to see beyond my broken state. Leading up to this season, the pace of my life had drastically sped up. Looking from the outside in, our life seemed to be flourishing in many ways. I was traveling to speak at various women’s events, we had a rambunctious, loving toddler, and were serving in our local church. And yet, in the midst of all this, I crashed and waves of anxiety flooded into my soul, making me feel like I was drowning.

In high school, I took comfort in this verse in the wrong ways.  When I discovered it, I took it as a chance to “get what I want” from God. I believed that since I was in church, involved in the youth group, and went to a Christian school that every desire in my heart was “of God.” Therefore, if I was serving God, wouldn’t He grant me all the desires of my heart? It took years of prodding, searching, and digging deeper to unveil the true meaning of this verse. In discovering what the Psalmist meant by these words and God’s intentions for delighting, there is great joy and freedom from being attached the things of this world that will not last.

When we trade our worry for worship and begin to pray instead of fret, we can live in the peace that God is our portion and our good. Nothing apart from Him can satisfy, and by dwelling in His presence, we can let down our guard and desire to prove ourselves worthy!

What do we do when our head knows that God is faithful but our heart feels the overwhelming fear of uncertain circumstances? How do we walk forward in obedience when we don’t hear a ‘Yes’ from God?

Maybe you’re unfamiliar with Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent that follows. I was for the majority of my life! But this season can be a beautiful invitation to the believer to come and worship God as we reflect on our need for a Savior.

If prayer is such a beautiful habit, why is it so difficult to find time to pray? How do we actually pray continually? Why do we pray in the first place? We’re sharing some thoughts and encouragement on prayer as we prepare to walk through Breathe this week.

Our busyness should drive us to our knees. We can’t accomplish anything worthwhile, making wise decisions, or live with fervent passion apart from being people who pray. Prayer isn’t something to check off a list, it should be a way of life.


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