Well - Watered


Planted Bible Study

This post about joy is an excerpt from our 12-week bible study on spiritual disciplines: Planted. Find it in the Well-Watered Co. today. The Mystery of Joy In a world seeking happiness and pleasure, the mystery of the joy of the Lord often gets lost. As believers, we have tapped into the abundant riches of […]

Hey sisters! Three years ago, during an extremely dry desert season of my life, I began a journey of digging deep into the Word and asking the Lord what it would take for my life to flourish in Christ. I knew deep down that we have been created for more than a dried-up, keep-trying, never-getting-there […]

Planted: Place in the ground so that it can grow, bury, position oneself, establish in one’s mind. The word “planted” conjures up a lot of beautiful images – colorful flowers, fields of fresh plants bursting with life and fruit, strong and sturdy trees. I can imagine their roots going deep and think about the tiny seeds […]

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high-school English teacher in Singapore. Read more from Becca on her blog. It is a treasure to be in the Psalms, isn’t it? I so relate to King David and his singing, dancing praises to God and his desperate cries of despair, side by side on my […]

Here’s a look at Week Four on Peace and a glance at what’s to come in Week Five: Patience.

Is your Bible a trophy or a treasure?

Week Three of our Planted Bible study: Confession.

Journaling is a discipline.

It is more than writing, painting, and downloading; it is gathering stones of remembrance.

A walk through Psalm 1 using the Give Me Jesus Journal.


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