The updated Planted study is HERE! (+ a freebie for you!)

June 27, 2018  - By Well-Watered Women

Hey sisters!

Three years ago, during an extremely dry desert season of my life, I began a journey of digging deep into the Word and asking the Lord what it would take for my life to flourish in Christ. I knew deep down that we have been created for more than a dried-up, keep-trying, never-getting-there kind of life, but actually living fruitful, eternity-driven days was a far-off dream. I was drowning in to-dos I felt defined me, and didn’t know where to go. So I went back to the basics: the spiritual disciplines of the Christian faith.

The spiritual disciplines often get a bad rap in our culture.

Specifically, the word “discipline” isn’t one we love to add to our daily routine. However, when we study the life and teachings of Christ, we see a specific model that Jesus laid out for us in His Word. As His disciples, we are learners and students of the Word. The more God’s Word is woven into our hearts and minds, the more we can live the upside-down fruitful life He designed for us since the beginning.

That is where this study, Planted, comes into my story of living a dried-up life. As I began to learn what it means to be a disciple who is daily changed by the Word and ways of Christ, I began to see differences in my days. When I am living life the way God designed, I experience fruitfulness and freedom. The spiritual disciplines of the faith are actually for our good! In this 12-week study that I co-authored with my sister, Kara Holmes, we dive into 12 of the disciplines of the Christian faith. We kept this study simple and straightforward so a busy mama could do it along with a college student. Each week we discuss a different spiritual discipline and then provide Scripture readings and simple questions to answer in the following five days of study.

This study can be done in a group or individually, though we always recommend going through studies with at least one other person to go deeper and have accountability and community! You can find a free leader guide for group studies here.

We pray that as you plant yourself by the streams of Living Water that your soul will be nourished with the timeless truths and ways of Jesus Christ our Savior!

Planting myself in the Word,

Gretchen Saffles (Founder of Well-Watered Women)


The planted spiritual disciplines guide

In the original Planted Study, we had a section at the back of the book that gave some practical steps for how to put these disciplines into place. We've taken those tips, added some new ones, and created a FREEBIE for you! This guide is just a starting point, but we hope it is a blessing to you if you are feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by how to apply these disciplines in your life.

The Planted Study covers 12 spiritual disciplines: Bible Study, Meditation, Confession, Worship, Prayer, Fasting, Simplicity, Stillness, Obedience, Giving, Joy and Fellowship.

The guide provides some helpful suggestions and practical tips for applying those disciplines. We've also made a Planted Playlist for you to listen to during your time studying through Planted.

Spiritual Discipline Previews for Blog

the planted leader guide

We hope that as you walk through this 12-week study on spiritual disciplines you would find some other women who want to dig into the Word alongside of you. There is so much to be gained from studying Scripture in the context of community! If you decide to lead a small group through Planted, we want to equip you to feel prepared and excited as you walk through this content! That's why we made this FREE Leader Guide.

The leader guide was written with small groups in mind! Each week you'll find some helpful leader tips for making your small group special, suggestions for activities to incorporate into your time together, additional discussion questions that will allow you to dive into one of the passages from the week, and a practical tip that can be used like "homework" for your group between meetings. We've also included additional resources like blog posts, articles and podcasts that go alongside each of the disciplines.

Leader Guide Previews for Blog

strength and dignity hat

We're so excited about this new hat, just in time for summer! This Comfort Colors denim hat is a great neutral that goes with just about anything.

The beautiful lettering by Lovely Lettering Co. reads Strength + Dignity with Proverbs 31:25 arched across the top. The words are embroidered with a durable white thread.

We hope this hat reminds you that you are clothed in strength and dignity as a daughter of God. When you aren't feeling cute or don't know what to wear this summer, grab this hat and let it serve as a reminder that you are loved, valued and rooted in Christ.

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