Walking Through Psalm 1

November 3, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Yesterday we began the “Planted” Bible study that dives into 12 different disciplines of the life of a believer. The first discipline we are covering this week is Bible Study. We know God through His Word and studying the Bible should be a joy and priority each day. Watch the Persicope video here as we walk through Psalm 1 together and break it down using the Give Me Jesus Journal! Below are pictures of my journal for you to use as a reference and an example of how we can break down the Word. 

walking through the Word with you,


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  1. Rachael Aldrich says:

    Hi! I just finished reading Women of the Word and watching your periscope that corresponds with this post. I was wondering if you do this type of in-depth bible study separate from your quiet time? I’m reading the one year chronological bible and that would be a lot to study this much for one day, so I didn’t know if studying another book of the bible using this method on top of my daily bible reading was better or if I should slow down my daily bible reading in order to go deeper with the text. Thanks!

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