Well - Watered



The journey the Lord God takes us on is often unpredictable.

I know from my own experience that He takes our small dreams and rewrites them to be something better. In the process of dreaming, planning, praying, and seeking Him for direction, something beautiful and unexpected happens…He changes us. Life is not about the accomplishment of our dreams, the success attributed to our names, or the fleeting fame we may receive for but a moment. Life is about knowing Jesus and becoming like HIm. In God’s goodness, He often uses dreams to accomplish that. 

Four practical ways I strive to be free from my iPhone. 

One of the most incredible things about the community of Life Lived Beautifully are the women that I am able to meet all around the world. Women who are pursuing Jesus with every breath. Women who are doing hard things for His glory. Women who are chasing after the dreams God has laid on their heart and doing them with His strength and grace. Hannah Cobley is one of those women. She is an example of a Proverbs 31 woman, using her gifts, her trials, and her passions to make much of Jesus. I cannot tell you how excited I am for you to read her story and the how she began Lighthouse for Hope!

This past weekend, I gathered with over four hundred women in Indianapolis with one intent—to lift high the name of Jesus and center our hearts on Him. These women, all four hundred of them, came with different passions, pursuits, and backgrounds. We had one thing in common, the desire to know Jesus and to live our lives purposefully for His glory. The conversations were flavored with encouragement, big dreams, and the wrestlings of our souls. We came just as we are, broken and bought by His blood, and left with a renewed boldness in our hearts. Something beautiful happens when women gather to lift high the name of Jesus. Chains are broken, walls are torn down brick by brick, and dreams are built back up again. The Influence Conference is more than a gathering of women, it is a reminder of our calling and commissioning to live as daughters of the King and ambassadors of Christ.

On August 13th, heaven received a precious follower of Christ. Kyra Karr, missionary in Italy, wife, and momma to three beautiful girls, was killed in car accident, instantly taking her home to the presence of God. The news of her death knocked the wind out of many. She lived with purpose, intention, and a deep, abiding joy in Christ. In many ways, her death has sparked a revival in the hearts of many, including mine.

Meet Our Design Intern, Taylor!

Reading: Philippians 4:8-9

My heart is excited and expectant about today’s “Well-Watered Women” post! This is now the 8th post in our series of digging into how we can live life intentionally for God’s glory through knowing His Word, studying it, and living it out in our day-to-day lives! You can catch up on the series by clicking here! Today’s topic will cover one specific way that we can share the Word – through filling our social media feeds with truth. God is doing a new thing, and I want to be a part of it! I pray you will join me in living life beautifully for the glory of God!

The Lord has been challenging my heart lately with this question. I dug up this post from last fall and was convicted and challenged once again. I pray that you are as well as we ask ourself the question – what if?

Yesterday I sat down with my Bible, planner, Powersheets and deleted social media from my phone. For too long, I have allowed Sunday rest to become a side note. Instead of resting and enjoying the gift of soul renewal on Sundays, I have used the afternoon to get ahead for the next week. Instead of planning my days and asking what God wanted me to do, I went forward without a good plan and simply was overwhelmed.


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