Well - Watered



“The seasons change and you change but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad, and as full as ever.”  –Charles Spurgeon Change and Consistency Change. Hard, holy, and beautiful—I have experienced paramount change in the past eight months of my life. On March 4th we […]

In the Night I pull my coat on, grab my bag, and head out into the night—though sometimes I’d prefer to be heading to bed instead of to work. But work is a privilege. I, along with an amazing team, look after some of the very vulnerable, who know their days are counted, and provide […]

As I faced this struggle anew, I questioned God’s love and faithfulness towards me. Maybe his love for me has waned because I continue to give way to anxiety. If I were God, I would have given up on me a long time ago.

fear and food After the first time I had the flu, the thought of vomiting gave me a visceral reaction. I would collapse into panic attacks—crying, screaming, sweating, shaking—anytime my stomach began to turn. This fear became so strong I struggled to eat or leave the house. I hated this fear and what it did […]

Western culture loves its buzzwords, and “balance” is one that’s been circulating for a while. We constantly lament the lack of balance in our lives, search for the right methods to secure it, envy others who seem to have it, celebrate when we manage to feel we’ve achieved it, and even make it the object […]

bitter peel If you have ever bitten into the skin of citrus fruit, you know the strong, sour taste that immediately hits your tongue. Adults know the skin isn’t meant to be eaten, so we peel away the bright outer layer before sinking our teeth into a tangerine. But babies often have to learn this […]

god-centered community God designed you for community (1 Peter 2:4–5; Eph. 2:19–22). He made you with a desire to connect with other people who can grow with you, cry with you, sharpen you, encourage you, and laugh with you. No matter your stage or season, all of us long to find people we can simply […]

What happens when you walk into a pitch-dark room and flip the switch on the wall? Light instantly floods the space. Your eyes reflexively squint and shift away from the painful brightness. All of the room’s dusty, dirty little secrets are exposed as the hood of darkness is thrown back. Sometimes you even hear the […]

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) For more of my life than not, the idea of “unceasing prayer” felt a little like one of those ultimate marathons—the kind where people run 100 miles and leave the rest of the world hanging in the balance of awe and unbelief that such a feat is humanly possible […]

“I think we’re just … better as friends.” I suddenly felt like I might throw up. Sitting cross-legged in my closet so my parents couldn’t hear my conversation on the phone, I felt time stop—or transition into slow motion, at least. “For sure,” I said on the other end of the line. Click. That was […]

God's Presence

an unexpected morning I awoke on my kitchen floor, shaking with cold and shock, blood trickling from my mouth. Touching my lip, I found it swollen and terribly tender under my fingers. I took a few breaths in the darkness, hearing the refrigerator’s hum behind me, and tried to recall what had happened. In a […]


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