Promises Kept: Trusting God in Transition

September 24, 2019  - By Amy Byrd

Well-Watered Women-Blog-Promises Kept-Trusting God to Sustain in the Midst of Change

“The seasons change and you change but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad, and as full as ever.”  –Charles Spurgeon

Change and Consistency

Change. Hard, holy, and beautiful—I have experienced paramount change in the past eight months of my life.

On March 4th we buried my sweet daddy after a long, valiant fight against cancer and sickness. On March 5th I went into labor in the midst of a weekly doctor visit and birthed a set of beautiful twin boys. I experienced the greatest loss of my life and one of the greatest joys of my life within hours of one another—21.5 hours, to be exact.

I lay in a hospital bed while my husband was in the NICU checking on our sweet boys (who are perfect and healthy, praise God) and whispered these words: “I will never be the same, but God, I know that you will never change.”

In that moment, I acknowledged that my life was changed.

That I was changed.

That even the simplest of my daily routines were changed.

But in that change I was sure of hope, comforted by my constant, always-the-same God.

Hope in the Change

In the days that have followed I’ve learned a great deal about season changes, trusting God, and rejoicing in the fact that He does keep his promises. I had two options: I could try to move forward and pretend as though I were the same woman and attempt to keep life moving “as usual”… or I could trust God and place all of my tear-soaked cards on the table and look this season of change right in the face.

I was in the midst of a great paradox: sorrow and joy. Can we live in both places? My heart toiled over this. I prayed boldly that God would help my postnatal, grieving, weary heart accept the reality of where I was in order to move forward. Resisting the changing of seasons in my soul was not an option; it was time to live right where God had placed me.

I understand the tendency to want to flee from change. It is uncomfortable and exhausting to change. It requires great vulnerability and opened-hands kind of living. It is hard. And sometimes, sisters, change comes into your world like a wrecking ball. I get it. 

Trust in the Change

As children of God who trust His ways, it is true disobedience to not walk forward into a new season that God is calling us into. To resist Him is to communicate a lack of trust in Him.

I know that my circumstances were rare, and maybe yours don’t seem as big. But trust me, many seasons of change in my life have seemed small compared to others, yet still made a huge impact on my life, turning me upside-down.

  • Changes in friendships.
  • Changes in my job.
  • Changes in my body.
  • Changes in where I lived.
  • Changes in all stores carrying Diet Coke with lime.

Recently I had a friend ask me how I was doing in the midst of all of the change. She asked specifically, “How are you holding up? Are you functioning?”

I didn’t even hesitate in my response: “I am truly filled with great peace and holy joy in this season. Yes, there are hard days. Yes, I cry when the twins wake up after only a five-minute nap. Yes, I get behind on laundry. Yes, grief comes like a tidal wave.  Yes, I get snappy at William when I am sleepy. But I am not drowning or being defeated by this new season. Because God keeps His promises. And He is near.”

Finding God in the Change

My friends, my sisters.

In and out of every season, the beautiful and the broken, God is faithful and kind.

He upholds.

He is near.

He preserves.

He gives what we need.

Let us not run from God when our world changes, but instead let’s seek Him. Let’s call on Him in truth, knowing that He is a promise keeper. May we be women who speak the praise of the Lord and bless His Holy name as the seasons change, and we change.

“The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works. The Lord upholds all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.” (Psalm 145:13a–21)

Your friend, Amy

Amy Byrd is director of Girls Ministry at Hunter Street Baptist Church, a girls ministry author, and speaker. She has a passion for reaching women through the life-changing truths of Scripture. She’s the mom to three handsome boys (all under 3) and the wife of a hard-working husband.

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  1. Dana says:

    A friend just sent me your post because In February I unexpectedly lost my brother, and welcomed our second miracle girl 4 days after his funeral. Five months later, in July, I unexpectedly lost my dad. It is such a strange place to be—able to find joy with your sweet babe in the midst of all the sadness, and it really helps in knowing I’m not the only person to experience such paradox so closely. I also have a 3 yr old daughter, so finding time to grieve with small kids is the biggest challenge, since I am rarely alone. Do you have any advice for that? I do appreciate your words, as I know that God is here, but it is hard sometimes.

    • Sweet friend, I am so sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking and I’m so sorry you had/have to go through that. I lost my dad three years ago unexpectedly from a heart attack. At the time I had a four year old and a 4 month old baby, so I understand how hard it can be to grieve honestly and openly without troubling the kiddos. I would lean into whatever community you have to help with the kids so you can have some time to process. If that’s not a possibility (I understand that!) then sometimes it’s okay to simply close the door and cry while the kids are busy somewhere else. I remember playing “Moana” A LOT after Dad died! Ask your husband for a night off, or even for a few hours to yourself to go do what you need to do to grieve. For me that included visiting my mom a lot at her house. Keep opening your Bible, keep praying, keep drawing near, dear sister. I am praying for you! -Bonnie

  2. Melissa says:

    Amy, thank you for this insight. Not exactly the same, but similar in some ways, my dad died 10 years ago, three days before my first daughter was born. We were living in Florida at the time, the rest of my family lived in Illinois. I was not able to attend his funeral, I did not see him in the hospital, or experience any of the transition. When we went home two months later, it was just as if he was out running an errand instead of gone forever. My mom died a year ago this past January – while I was able to be with her, helped make arrangements, attended her funeral, and helped my sister with some of the details after, it has been a hard period of grieving. I have learned so much good, but I am learning that I am grieving my dad in a new way, and grieving the loss of both of my parents in my life.

    Change. Transition. I am not a fan! I know to expect change (I am a pastor’s wife, there is much change in our lives!), but I find I resist it. I appreciate your thoughts and encouragement in your post. Even when He seems far, I hope I can draw near to the Lord in a new way.

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