Well - Watered



For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with the burden of longing for the next season—eyes set on the next shiny milestone—while being told not to miss a single second of the one I’m in.  As a sixteen-year-old girl, I romanticized the idea of going off to college and living out my grown-up […]

Editor’s note: Content taken from Sunday Matters: 52 Devotionals to Prepare Your Heart for Church by Paul David Tripp, © 2023. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.   I wear a fitness ring. It is an amazing piece of modern technology that charts my sleep. It tells me how […]

Just off the grassy trail, I sat in an opening between tall weeds and white wildflowers. With my Bible on my lap, I gazed at the still water before me. Ants crawled across my legs while a biting fly swarmed my head, a picture of the thoughts harassing my mind. After just one sinful thought—a […]

As moms, we can feel like our entire life is one of lowliness. We wipe bums and clean snotty noses. We hold hair back while children puke and scrub dried fruit from our floors. Meanwhile, our hair is greasy from day five of dry shampoo and we smell like old food and sweat. And we […]

Sometimes praying for rest is like praying for patience. If you’ve ever prayed for patience, maybe you’ll know what I mean. When I need to be more patient (pretty much all the time), what I really want is for God to shower me with loads of supernatural patience. I want to suddenly be calm and […]

Could I come over this afternoon to talk with you? The mid-morning text from a grieving younger woman in my church surprised me. I looked up from my phone to survey my kitchen. Crumbs and dishes from lunch still cluttered the table. My laptop sat open on the counter, a constant ping reminding me of […]

Why would God restore their marriage but not ours? Why did they get pregnant so easily while we’ve been struggling for years? Why did God bless them financially, yet we’re living paycheck to paycheck? Questions like these plague us when we focus on what we don’t have in our current circumstances. But sometimes the situation […]

[This article is an excerpt from chapter 4 of The Well-Watered Woman. This Thursday, April 6, marks two years since the launch of the book, and to celebrate God’s faithfulness, all things The Well-Watered Woman are on sale this week! Shop the Book Anniversary Collection in the Well-Watered Co.]    I’ve always tried to look […]

When I was younger, I had no idea that my life would be so run by to-do lists. Some days, it feels like I need a list to manage my other lists. I like to think of myself as calm and carefree, moving slowly, relaxing through life. But in reality, hustle culture has lured me […]

[Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from Kristen’s new book Humble Moms.] The infamous woman in John 4 was unexpected: a Samaritan, and a female nonetheless. She had been in five marriages to five different husbands, all of which had dissolved, leaving wounds and insecurities and, in all likelihood, deeply-entrenched bitterness. Her shame ran deep. […]


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