Well - Watered



“The seasons change and you change but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad, and as full as ever.”  –Charles Spurgeon Change and Consistency Change. Hard, holy, and beautiful—I have experienced paramount change in the past eight months of my life. On March 4th we […]

Finding Purpose in Our Days As a single woman with a part-time job in a rural town, it’s all too easy to find myself subconsciously slipping into the belief that the things I do aren’t all that important.  “If your circumstances were different, your life would matter more,” this lie whispers on the worst of […]

An Unexpected Invitation “Hey, are you free if I stop by this afternoon? I’d love to talk something over with you…” I saw the text pop up from a friend in the middle of a morning that was less-than-amazing. I had been up a good part of the night with my baby, so I was […]

When Hope Is Hard to Find

From Dark to Life One of our favorite things to do as a family is growing a garden. But the vegetables, flowers, and fruits won’t grow right away. We have to tend the tiny seeds first, planting them in tiny planters in our sunroom. Often, we use old egg cartons. Our family will fill the […]

Hopeful Brokenness I’m reflecting on the recent death of a beloved sister in Christ, in awe of the beautifully hopeful brokenness in this unexpected event. All I saw during the weeks following this loss was a body of believers coming together to carry the burden, to pour truth into one another, and rejoice in the […]

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Unknown Circumstances I was four weeks away from graduating from college. While most seniors were living up their last days of pre-real-world bliss, I was facing the hardest decision of my life so far. Internships, interviews, and job offers had collided in the best and worst of ways, and I had one week to make […]

So why haven’t I found a way to remedy this struggle? Because it’s not a one-and-done problem. It’s a daily surrendering of the heart. And it’s difficult to surrender something when you still have to keep it in your life day in and day out, isn’t it?

Disordered Eating Every time I try to write this post, I feel inadequate because I struggle with the topic of food—every single day. For the longest time, I believed I would never struggle with an eating disorder because I just love food too much. I couldn’t imagine going an entire day without it. I still […]

strength and weakness One of my greatest weaknesses is that I believe “I can do it all.” I want to be able to work a full-time job, work over 20 hours at my part-time job, volunteer, host dinners at our place, coordinate events, start student organizations, translate blogs/videos, pursue graduate school full-time, and be a […]

Without a community to learn from, I would have fallen into complacency, more than likely slipping back to my old ways because it would have felt like the only way to move forward. And then suddenly I would have been someone claiming Christ without knowing Him. Without loving Him. Without following Him.

transition and conflict I remember the overwhelming confliction of being renewed, yet not knowing what to do with that truth. I remember feeling the conviction of who I was now—a child of God—but not sure what that meant. I had been saved by God’s grace alone, but I was alone, without community. I pushed through […]

the idol factory “An idol is anything that is central in my life, anything that seems to be essential. Anything by which I live or depend.” D. M. Lloyd-Jones Theologian John Calvin said that the heart is a “perpetual factory of idols.” We are constantly looking for things to worship, and making the good things […]


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