Q & A: Quiet Times, Creativity, & Life With A Little

August 27, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Hi friends!

Earlier this afternoon I did a periscope with several of you and mentioned a few links and studies! To recap what we talked about, here are a few of my answers to your questions –

What is your daily quiet time routine like as a momma?

Now that I am a momma, I rarely have a routine these days. Nolan is only three months old and I have had to learn over and over that we live under grace and not law. Prior to having Nolan I woke up around 6-6:30 everyday and spent time in the Word until about 7:30. After that I would exercise and come home to start the day. Now that I am still up with Nolan several times during the night, I sleep in until he wakes up to maximize the sleep I can get! Usually he wakes up around 6:30-8:00 depending on the night. I have been reading my Bible out loud to him when he is playing and saving my journaling time until he takes a nap. Quiet times look totally different than they used to, but the Lord isn’t disappointed in mommas when they can’t spend hours alone. He knows and He goes with us. Be flexible. Embrace grace. Ask the Lord for help, strength, and joy, and He will give it!

What does your prayer life look like?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing. We can commune with God all the time. In the morning when I spend time with the Lord I write down prayer requests and burdens on my heart. I pray Scripture and go to His Word after that. Praying Scripture is praying life. It has great power! I also pray as I go. As a momma, prayer is vital to my spiritual health. There have been moments in the wee morning hours where I have just had to cry “Jesus, help!” I am so tired and He listens and sustains. I also make a list each time I start another “Give Me Jesus” journal of specific needs I will pray for each day of the week. The journal has a page for you to do this. This has been a part of my routine for years and has helped me be more faithful in prayer!

What Beth Moore studies do I recommend?

The study “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” changed my life. I never knew there was so much wealth in Scripture. This study showed me how the Old Testament is connected to the New Testament. I highly recommend doing this with a group of women! Another study I love of Beth’s is “Breaking Free.” I have given this to so many women in bondage. It is incredible!

How do I worship through creating?

When we create, we reflect our Creator. We serve an amazingly creative God. He is the inventor of creativity. When I create, I turn off my phone and often delete social media so I am not tempted to compare or copy. I listen to worship music that stirs my affections for Christ and often have my Bible sitting open in front of me. A prayer I pray before painting is “God, unleash my creativity.” He is faithful to do that! It is a beautiful time of communing with Him. I mentioned a Tim Keller video on creativity that I watch often to be inspired. You can watch it here!

What filters do I use? (I forgot to answer this but will do that here)

I use the app Afterlight to edit all my pictures and often use the filter “coral” in that app. It is $.99 in the app store and is great for touching up those iPhone photos!

How have I adjusted to life with a little?

One thing I keep reminding myself is to have low expectations AND great expectations. I have had to lower my expectations on myself, my husband, my baby, and my business. At first I was very unrealistic with all I expected to do after I had Nolan. Once I lowered them, I was able to embrace this season of life more! But I also have great expectations from God. He is faithful and we honor Him by expecting great things from Him. I do a lot less during my days than I used to, but I am learning to savor this season. I also recently got a gym membership so I could have some time alone. I take a book with me and sit on a bike and read. (Currently reading “The Best Yes” and “Praying Backwards“) This has been a game-changer! I didn’t realize how much I needed time to rest and refresh. Through having time alone during the week I am able to be recharged and serve my family a lot better. I use this time to also listen to podcasts that spark my passions for life!

How do I stay organized?

I used to use the Day Designer every day and loved it! Since having Nolan I have put it away for this season. I bring my “grace upon grace” journal with me to jot down notes and ideas and use the app evernote to make lists so I don’t forget! Mommy brain is a real thing!

I look forward to doing another chat with you soon! If you have any other questions you would like answered on periscope or on the blog, comment below. Have a beautiful day!


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