Well - Watered


Dreaming Big

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, mindlessly perusing. Suddenly, this adorable girl posted this insanely cute sweater that I really liked. As I paused to read her caption, I was immediately overwhelmed by a need to buy the sweater. Never mind that I have dozens of warm, cute, well-fitting sweaters in my closet. […]

She’s living my dream… I thought to myself as I scrubbed the carrots in my hand and started vigorously chopping them. My blood was pumping full speed with a surge of jealousy. I had just finished mindlessly browsing social media while my soup broth simmered and my heart boiled with discontent. In the midst of […]

Deep breath in, deep breath out. 2021 is almost here.  There’s always something exciting and refreshing about a new year. But with the year we’ve had in 2020, we all long to start new. Since last spring, I’ve seen people joking online, “Can 2020 just be over now?” This strange year has seemed endlessly daunting. […]

Chasing Your Dreams You only have one life to live, so chase your dreams. This quote, and others like it, permeate the messaging in our culture today. While Scripture agrees that our lives are short (James 4:14), nowhere does it tell us to chase the dreams and goals we have for ourselves. Rather than make […]

“New year, new you.” That’s the thought running through a lot of our minds, isn’t it? We watched the calendar roll over to January 1 with big plans to be so much better than last year. But what if last year was one of your hardest, and you’re still just trying to figure out how […]

Deep breath in, deep breath out. 2019 is finally here. There’s something exciting and refreshing about a new year. The air seems a little crisper and the sun seems to shine a little brighter. If you go to a restaurant you’re more likely to find a plethora of salads being served as people embark on […]

*Sign up for our free 7-Day Kickstart Your Quiet Time Challenge at the bottom of this blog post! It’s free to join at any time! Enjoy day 1 of the challenge below!* The One Resolution That Will Change Your Life “I resolve to put the Word before the world, because I believe Jesus Christ is […]

I grew up in a loving home and am blessed with two parents who deeply love God and each other. My father is also a pastor. There are a myriad of reactions I get when this comes up in conversation—mostly knowing looks, sometimes sympathetic ones. I told this to one woman who turned to my […]

Jessica Mathisen lives in Athens, Georgia with her first and forever boyfriend, Rory, and their sweet puppy, Bailey. She is a recovering perfectionist, a former teacher, and a lover of people. Her passion is to communicate God’s love to others through writing and relationships. Her favorite things are hanging with her husband, eating chips and […]

Well-Watered Women Website Design by Speak Social Agency

Four years ago… I clicked “post” with trembling fingers and launched a vulnerable piece of my heart into the world: the Give Me Jesus Journal. This journal had been the culmination of years of striving in my walk with the Lord. I’d longed to know Him more deeply through the Word, but I just couldn’t […]


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