Well - Watered



Merry Christmas Today, as you gather around a twinkling Christmas tree, cozy up by a glowing fire, and light a warmly scented candle, praise God for visible reminders of the Light of the World—Jesus. The sun rose this morning just like it did the day Jesus was born, and the sun will set in the […]

What happens when you walk into a pitch-dark room and flip the switch on the wall? Light instantly floods the space. Your eyes reflexively squint and shift away from the painful brightness. All of the room’s dusty, dirty little secrets are exposed as the hood of darkness is thrown back. Sometimes you even hear the […]

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) For more of my life than not, the idea of “unceasing prayer” felt a little like one of those ultimate marathons—the kind where people run 100 miles and leave the rest of the world hanging in the balance of awe and unbelief that such a feat is humanly possible […]

There’s a fantasy Christmas I’ve constructed in my mind. Maybe you have one too? During this fantasy Christmas season, I eat all of the most scrumptious treats without gaining a pound. I watch all of my favorite Christmas movies and listen to all of my favorite Christmas music. The lovely season is devoid of family […]

Loving Others When It's Not So Easy: Loving the Ungrateful During the Holidays

Every year, amidst the cheerful tunes ringing throughout stores, the twinkling lights adorning the rooftops, and the comforting scent of cookies baking, there always seems to be a “scrooge” I come across who crushes the joy of the season. It could be a family member who refuses to crack a smile beneath the scowl on […]

Two years ago, while everyone was sipping their pumpkin spice lattes and taking pictures in pumpkin patches, I was at home sinking into a deep depression following a surgery that didn’t go as planned. What was supposed to be a routine operation left me sick beyond belief, resulting in an anxious and fearful heart. Many […]

Throughout Scripture we see a woven thread that points us to a need for God. In the Shema, the Israelites were told to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. They were to talk about Him with their children and keep His commandments before their eyes and on their hearts. They were to […]

We trust people who are like us. Think about who you vote for, who you sit next to in church, and who you let watch your kids. It’s people who are like you. We constantly surround ourselves with like-minded people because we trust them. We want to follow leaders who think like us because we […]

I grew up in a loving home and am blessed with two parents who deeply love God and each other. My father is also a pastor. There are a myriad of reactions I get when this comes up in conversation—mostly knowing looks, sometimes sympathetic ones. I told this to one woman who turned to my […]

How to Flourish This Fall: Practical tips for thriving, not surviving as a Christian Woman (Back to school tips for your family!)

Are you flourishing? If I were to describe my life on a daily basis, the word “flourishing” would most likely not make the list. Overwhelmed, busy, and tired would find their way to the top, while life-giving words like flourish, abundant, and thriving would often fall to the bottom of the list. However, Scripture clearly […]


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