Well - Watered


Well-Watered Women

Why is faithfulness so hard to find? I believe it is because we are bombarded by lies that tell us that life is all about us.

Living Selflessly in a Selfish Culture In our world today, faithfulness is a rare character trait. People walk away from spouses they have been married to for decades. Millennials are characterized by their flakiness and fear of commitment. Children are growing up in single-parent homes because fathers have not answered the call to biblical manhood […]

When Want Turns to Need and Addressing Dependence.

From Want to Need We probably don’t know each other, but I wish we could sit down on the squishy couch in the middle of my messy living room and look each other in the eye. Face-to-face, you would see that I’m not here to condemn. I’m not looking to burden you with shame over […]

The more I dug into Scripture to see what God has to say about it, the more aware I became of this: I deeply struggle with idleness, and a lot of unaware sisters probably do too.

Redefining Idleness Until recently, I would have told you I don’t struggle with idleness or laziness. I struggle with plenty of other things, but being idle? No, not me. Not Enneagram-3-Type-A-Extrovert me. In fact, sometimes it feels like the first time I truly sit still is when I get into bed at the end of […]

Behind Closed Doors-Confessing Sexual Sin-Well-Watered Women

an unexpected turn Over plates of chicken shawarma, I asked the young twenty-something in front of me what her relationship with God currently looked like. She said it had changed a lot over the past year, then proceeded to tell me why. And the “why” went a direction I didn’t expect. She had attended a […]

Behind Closed Doors-Sexual Sin-Well-Watered Women

How it began When I was about five years old, I remember sitting on the bathroom floor idly thumbing through an old magazine and happened to see a tiny advertisement for a book about sex. The cover had a naked man and woman positioned just so you didn’t see the “private parts,” but still enough […]

Without a community to learn from, I would have fallen into complacency, more than likely slipping back to my old ways because it would have felt like the only way to move forward. And then suddenly I would have been someone claiming Christ without knowing Him. Without loving Him. Without following Him.

transition and conflict I remember the overwhelming confliction of being renewed, yet not knowing what to do with that truth. I remember feeling the conviction of who I was now—a child of God—but not sure what that meant. I had been saved by God’s grace alone, but I was alone, without community. I pushed through […]

the idol factory “An idol is anything that is central in my life, anything that seems to be essential. Anything by which I live or depend.” D. M. Lloyd-Jones Theologian John Calvin said that the heart is a “perpetual factory of idols.” We are constantly looking for things to worship, and making the good things […]

the cycle of seclusion It’s been a long day. You are exhausted as you pull into your garage and close the door behind you, grateful for a neighborhood that values seclusion as much as you do. Life regularly looks like closed doors and quiet evenings. On Sunday your pastor might mention hospitality. You cringe a […]

There have been times in my prayer life when I’ve felt I was asking God for too much. The amount of faith required seemed like a stretch to get to the end goal, to receive the thing I most wanted. In the midst of such requests (like wanting to be engaged, wishing for the perfect […]

Western culture loves its buzzwords, and “balance” is one that’s been circulating for a while. We constantly lament the lack of balance in our lives, search for the right methods to secure it, envy others who seem to have it, celebrate when we manage to feel we’ve achieved it, and even make it the object […]


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