Well - Watered


Well-Watered Women

the weight of words I walked down the aisle in the white dress I’d dreamed about pretty much my whole life. My dad gave me away, and almost everyone I loved watched as I turned to face the man who was about to become my husband. My heart raced while the pastor spoke, and when […]

How to honor God when no one else is seeing your actions - By Well-Watered Women

I have learned, and am learning still, that we are called to pour forth every facet of our lives in worship. There are many spheres of our lives (motherhood being one that I am knee-deep in at the moment) in which we have the opportunity to present a beautiful aroma of worship to the Lord […]

“New year, new you.” That’s the thought running through a lot of our minds, isn’t it? We watched the calendar roll over to January 1 with big plans to be so much better than last year. But what if last year was one of your hardest, and you’re still just trying to figure out how […]

bitter peel If you have ever bitten into the skin of citrus fruit, you know the strong, sour taste that immediately hits your tongue. Adults know the skin isn’t meant to be eaten, so we peel away the bright outer layer before sinking our teeth into a tangerine. But babies often have to learn this […]

god-centered community God designed you for community (1 Peter 2:4–5; Eph. 2:19–22). He made you with a desire to connect with other people who can grow with you, cry with you, sharpen you, encourage you, and laugh with you. No matter your stage or season, all of us long to find people we can simply […]

Deep breath in, deep breath out. 2019 is finally here. There’s something exciting and refreshing about a new year. The air seems a little crisper and the sun seems to shine a little brighter. If you go to a restaurant you’re more likely to find a plethora of salads being served as people embark on […]

Merry Christmas Today, as you gather around a twinkling Christmas tree, cozy up by a glowing fire, and light a warmly scented candle, praise God for visible reminders of the Light of the World—Jesus. The sun rose this morning just like it did the day Jesus was born, and the sun will set in the […]

What happens when you walk into a pitch-dark room and flip the switch on the wall? Light instantly floods the space. Your eyes reflexively squint and shift away from the painful brightness. All of the room’s dusty, dirty little secrets are exposed as the hood of darkness is thrown back. Sometimes you even hear the […]

Every year I find myself glued to the TV screen watching a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie. Within the first five minutes I can usually gauge what the characters will be like, who will end up falling in love with whom, and how the ending will turn out—which we all know is “happily ever after.” Even […]

Loving Others When It's Not So Easy: Loving the Ungrateful During the Holidays

Every year, amidst the cheerful tunes ringing throughout stores, the twinkling lights adorning the rooftops, and the comforting scent of cookies baking, there always seems to be a “scrooge” I come across who crushes the joy of the season. It could be a family member who refuses to crack a smile beneath the scowl on […]


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