Well - Watered


How to Study the Bible

Today we begin a series of posts that will coincide through our Community Group study in the book of Mark. We created a free reading guide that outlines a plan for studying the book in its entirety. Find this free guide here, and join the conversation in the Community Group here. Studying with Purpose If […]

The Need for Truth I began my senior year of college with life turning out exactly as I had always imagined: graduating, then marrying the man of my dreams. Halfway through that year, though, my world was turned upside down with my mom’s diagnosis of brain cancer. Suddenly, my perfect world wasn’t so perfect, and […]

Before the Day The hardest part is putting your feet on the floor, Katie. Just put your feet on the floor. This is the mantra I repeat to myself almost every morning when my alarm clock goes off. My strongest temptation—and let’s be honest, my strongest desire—is to hit the snooze button two or three […]

A Change of Heart I discovered the intriguing world of inductive Bible study about six years ago. Following the technique I learned from my pastor, I began soaking up the word of God like a sponge. Excitement sparked like lightning inside my brain as I began connecting dots across Scripture. I started to really know […]

Time in the Word I remember when our boys were young and one of them was a horrible sleeper for a season, meaning we were up with him several times a night. One morning, flustered and angry over the exhaustion I felt, and excusing myself from any form of discipline or accountability, I looked over […]

A Solid Foundation When my husband and I were house shopping, we fell in love with two houses simultaneously. Each met our checklist for the price, location, and pictures we viewed on the realty website. We quickly called the agent and booked showings.  The first house was solid. It was evident the builder had a […]

Checking Boxes and Quiet Times They handed me a spiral-bound notebook and a Bible reading plan and told me to read my Bible for 30 minutes every day. Each day’s reading included two questions to answer. So, like a good little rule-follower, I did what they said. From seventh grade through my senior year of […]

The Book Above Every Other Book Nearly 130 million books exist so far in this world1, but only one Book has living qualities. Only one has been breathed out by the God of the universe. This book is the Bible. The Bible is the ageless, unchanging, life-altering Word of God. It is written by human […]

Truth and Reality One of my goals this year is to read every Pulitzer Prize fiction award winner of the last decade. A great story has become a reprieve from my normal nonfiction reading. It allows me to get lost in a world that is not my own. Often, I find the characters compellingly familiar […]

A Tool To Help You Study God’s Word Do you struggle with consistently studying God’s Word?  When you open your Bible, do you feel confused and unsure where to begin? Do you long for a deeper walk with Christ? Seven years ago my answer to these questions was a resounding YES! I wanted to know […]


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