Introducing the Simplified Give Me Jesus Journal

November 13, 2019  - By Gretchen Saffles

Signature + Simplified Give Me Jesus Journals | Well-Watered Women Articles

A Tool To Help You Study God’s Word

Do you struggle with consistently studying God’s Word? 

When you open your Bible, do you feel confused and unsure where to begin?

Do you long for a deeper walk with Christ?

Seven years ago my answer to these questions was a resounding YES! I wanted to know Jesus more, to make time in the Word a priority, to be a prayer warrior, and have a thriving walk with Christ. But I didn’t know where to begin or how to get from Point A to Point B.

I started digging in, researching how to study God’s Word and what it means to have a “quiet time.” After a lot of digging, praying, and seeking, the Give Me Jesus quiet time journal was created to be a companion and a tool to help women study God’s Word. 

How it actually works:

The Give Me Jesus Journal is divided into three sections, designed to help you study the Word, grow in your faith, and be a woman of prayer. The daily layout of the Give Me Jesus Journal provides you with structure and flexibility so you can open the Bible to any passage and study. It also provides a simple way to practice the spiritual disciplines of gratitude, Bible study, Scripture meditation, and prayer. 

The basic framework of the daily sections of the Give Me Jesus Journal includes:

    • Date, Time, Place: To fill out in order to remember what God was teaching in specific seasons and places.

    • Today’s Gratitude: To open your eyes to all that God is doing in your current circumstances and around the world. (Spiritual discipline: Gratitude)

    • Be Still and Know: To help you memorize Scripture, focus on a specific text, or lay any burdens at Jesus’ feet as you enter the time of Bible study. (Spiritual discipline: Scripture meditation/memorization, prayer)

    • Drink Deeply from the Well: To provide a space for you to study God’s Word and fill your empty cup with the truth of Scripture! (Spiritual discipline: Bible study)

    • Selah: To remind you to pause, think about what you have learned, and meditate on truth. (Spiritual discipline: meditation)

    • Ask and Apply: To challenge you to know God in all the Word and live out what you learn. (Spiritual discipline: obedience, worship)

    • Pray Big: To give you space to come before the Lord in prayer, praise, and petition. (Spiritual discipline: prayer, worship)

We have two editions of the Give Me Jesus Journal in the Well-Watered Women Co. Here is a brief breakdown of the differences and similarities between the two to help you decide which one is best for you.

Signature and Simplified Give Me Jesus Journals 2021

The Signature Give Me Jesus Journal

    • 90 days of journaling 
    • Durable hardcover with gold double wire-o binding
    • Beautiful floral artwork by Gretchen Saffles
    • Ribbon to use as a page marker
    • Thick cream paper
    • Two clear sticker sheets
    • One two-sided pocket
    • Three sturdy tabs: Journal the Word, Jot It Down, Prayer and Praise
    • Introduction “Heart Check” 
    • Breakdown of how to use the Journal and study the Bible
    • Notes Section
    • Prayer Section
    • Ending “Heart Check”


The Simplified Give Me Jesus Journal

    • 90 days of journaling
    • Hardcover, leather-look cover, blind embossed "Give Me Jesus" on cover, gold foil “Give Me Jesus” stamping spine, perfect bound
    • Ribbon to use as a page marker
    • Thick cream paper
    • Brief Introduction
    • Breakdown of how to use the Journal
    • Ending “Heart Check”


We wholeheartedly believe this journal will help you know Christ more through the Word! We are committed to helping you dig deeper into Scripture and encouraging you to live it out in everyday life. 

Are you ready for a deeper walk with God? We are too. Let’s be women who dine at His table and drink deeply from “the Well” of His Word each and every day.

Find the brand-new Simplified Give Me Jesus Journal here. 

Seeking Christ with you,


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  1. Ashley says:

    I am LOVING my Simplified GMJ Journal! It’s just what I needed to be able to slip my quiet time material into a bag and take off to work (my quiet time often happens on my lunch hour these days).

    Hope this one is a keeper in the shop (would love to see more colors and future editions)! Thank you for creating such a great product.


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