Well - Watered



Preparing In Surrender If there is one thing that I want to encourage you with before we dive headfirst into our 40 days of prayer in the Psalms, it would be this wisdom from the missionary, Hudson Taylor: “You must go forward on your knees.” I think we tend to live life backward from the way […]

Prepare Your Heart Friends, as we get ready to begin a bible study on prayer, we wanted to use today to check our hearts. Let’s take a minute to ask God to really search us and know us – and to show us what keeps us from a prayer-saturated life. Grab your Bible and journal […]

Join us for Lent in the Psalms As Lent begins next Wednesday, we will begin digging into the Psalms and praying through the Scriptures following our Breathe Study. The study focuses on 40 different Psalms. We also begin with some introduction and guidance on how to pray using Scripture. The number 40 is symbolic all throughout […]


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