Breathe | Heart-Check Day 2

February 27, 2020  - By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women-Blog-Breathe-Heart Check, Day Two

Preparing In Surrender

If there is one thing that I want to encourage you with before we dive headfirst into our 40 days of prayer in the Psalms, it would be this wisdom from the missionary, Hudson Taylor:

“You must go forward on your knees.”

I think we tend to live life backward from the way that Jesus intended us to live. We seek to climb a ladder of success when Jesus calls us to go lower (Luke 14:11). We vainly attempt to build our own sandcastle kingdoms on earth when Jesus tells us to build the Kingdom of God that lasts forever (Matthew 6:33Mark 8:36).

We spend copious amounts of time reading books on how to be more productive and organizing our time meticulously with planners, all the while neglecting sitting at Jesus’ feet, asking Him to order our time and make our days effective while we walk this earth (Luke 10:38-42Ephesians 5:15-16). The way up is down in the kingdom of heaven, and the way forward sometimes looks backward.

If we truly want to be women of prayer, then we must be unafraid to get on our knees in humility, worship, and earnestness before our Creator God.

Follow Jesus

Even Jesus modeled what it looks like to get on our knees. During His time on earth, we read accounts in the Gospels of Him getting away from the crowds simply to pray and be with the Father. Following His time of prayer and solitude, we can see the direction that He received as well as His immediate obedience. Take time to read the following passages and note in your prayer journal what you learn about Christ and prayer:

In all of these various accounts, we learn from Jesus that the only way to go through this life is on our knees. 

Breathing In His Mercies Breathing Out His Praise

Go Forward On Your Knees

You must go forward on your knees…even when there is much to be done in the day and it seems there isn’t a moment to spare for stillness. There is, and those still moments will shape the rest of your day.

You must go forward on your knees…even when it seems there are no answers to your suffering and when darkness seems to hide the face of God. He is with you and He is for you. Prayer opens your eyes to see the reality of that truth.

You must go forward on your knees…even when it is uncomfortable and when pride makes you want to stay standing. Bow down to pride and lift high the name of Jesus who deserves all your praise and adoration.

You must go forward on your knees…even when you have to wrestle through what you are reading in the Psalms. Don’t give up. Wrestle for His glory. You may walk away with a limp, but you will have encountered the Lord God and been changed forever.

There is no other way forward than on your knees. Do all that you can to protect the time you have with the Lord. Whether it be in your closet, your living room, in your car, in your bed, or anywhere else you may be, bow your heart before the Father and speak to Him as a child of God. Go forward on your knees, dear friends, and watch Christ the King to be glorified in the Word, in your heart, and in your life.

Bowing before my Savior,


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