Well - Watered



The conversation grew louder and louder as family members gathered. With every word stated, every bottle opened, and every argument begun, my heart ached more and more. Christmas was here again, and I knew the days ahead would not all be filled with joy and gladness.  I know that difficult family dynamics may come to […]

[Editor’s Note: This excerpt is adapted from Reactivity by Paul David Tripp, ©2022. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.]     Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to […]

Fall rolls out the red carpet for me each October when autumn leaves greet me on my morning drive. I almost feel guilty for how I anticipate watching the once-green and vibrant leaves die slowly and beautifully in my yard. Each tree that glows with gorgeous yellows, radiant reds, and bold browns signals that I’ll […]

“I’m doing really well.” The response had become my most common lie. Such responses are expected of Christian women, after all. The Stepford Wives quality unnerved me, but like a good little Christian girl, I fell in line. Keeping up the appearance of goodness easily becomes more important to me than being honest about my […]

[Editor’s Note: We are so sorry if you’ve experienced the loss of a child. We pray that you will find encouragement for your marriage through this article and experience hope in your hurt through this article written by Gretchen, our founder, about her miscarriage.] I never know how to start an article on miscarriage, because it […]

Recently, my friend Dee called me. Several years had passed since I saw her last. Hearing her voice after so long filled me with delight as it reminded me of my previous local church. On the outside, we couldn’t be more different than one another—her life was completely opposite from mine. She’s an older white […]

“It seems like you probably have OCD.” Her words, so calm and casual, pierced my heart. For a while, as I learned more about OCD beyond its cultural stereotypes, I wondered if this was another aspect of my anxiety disorder. But as I heard the words come from my own psychiatrist, the possibility became a […]

As a new mom, I was just learning the ropes. We were following all the rules with our firstborn, trying to do everything “right.” Healthy foods, little sugar, regular naptimes, and designated playtime ruled my days. Sleep training was all the rage, and we were determined to get our baby sleeping through the night ASAP. […]

I sat on the edge of my bed with my phone to my ear. For the past six weeks, my husband functioned as a single parent while I laid in bed, suffocated by morning sickness.  My doctor called regularly. She was glad to hear I was finally starting to feel normal again and asked about […]

This article is part of our How to Study the Bible Series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Fight the Battle to Read Your Bible” by Kristie Anyabwile “When Bible Study Feels Impossible”  by Brittany Allen “How Often Should I Study the Bible?” by Ashley Chesnut “How to Get in God’s Word Every Day”  […]


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