Well - Watered



[Author’s Note: This article is specifically meant for women who know that their friend struggles with disordered eating, meaning this friend has trusted you enough to share this part of her story with you. If you have a friend who you suspect struggles with disordered eating but she has not explicitly disclosed this to you, […]

Recently, my friend Dee called me. Several years had passed since I saw her last. Hearing her voice after so long filled me with delight as it reminded me of my previous local church. On the outside, we couldn’t be more different than one another—her life was completely opposite from mine. She’s an older white […]

“It seems like you probably have OCD.” Her words, so calm and casual, pierced my heart. For a while, as I learned more about OCD beyond its cultural stereotypes, I wondered if this was another aspect of my anxiety disorder. But as I heard the words come from my own psychiatrist, the possibility became a […]

More than ten years later, my memories of the red couch, the clink of the crutches, the daily drive to physical therapy, and the return home to the same couch are still viscerally strong. I had taken a year off of graduate school and left my community of friends and colleagues, the youth group I […]

In the span of two months, I said two contradictory statements to my husband.  “I don’t think I can be a stay-at-home mom anymore.”  “I think I just want to be a stay-at-home mom right now.”  My patient husband always waits for me to unwrap these statements. He knows they’re likely the start of a […]

Has a relationship in your life become messy? Has something that started as encouraging eroded into an obsessive, painful web of emotions? Your new BFF insists on knowing everything about your daily activities. It felt so amazing initially, but now you feel trapped. Your mentor or someone you’ve been discipling has stepped back from needing […]

Marriage Challenges Imagine you’re out to dinner with your girlfriends, catching up on life. About twenty minutes in, someone shares a silly story about her marriage. There’s laughter, nodding, maybe some eye-rolling. But then, a friend quietly admits that she and her husband are arguing. A lot. The conversation is no longer light-hearted and funny. […]

Toxic or Not? In my previous blog post, I identified what a toxic person is, according to Scripture. The word “toxic” is often used indiscriminately to describe relationships, but Christians need to be careful that our terms line up with Scripture.  As important as it is to correctly identify a toxic person, it’s equally important […]

What Is Toxic? I’ve seen and heard a word floating around increasingly the past couple of years describing others: toxic. It is used to describe friendships and romantic relationships and family dynamics. In essence, it’s another way of saying a relationship is really unhealthy or dangerous.  But here’s the problem: the definition of what a […]

Meaningful Moments After Miscarriage It was only a couple of weeks after our first miscarriage. I was leaving the church bathroom on my way to pick up my son from the nursery. A fellow mom I barely knew stopped me at the door. “Hi Lara,” she said. She had that sympathetic tilt to her head […]


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