Well - Watered



Hope for the Woman Battling Sexual Addiction

In the Light This summer, I led a Bible study for the young singles in our church, and sexual discipleship was one of the topics in this series. It was also the week I had the most anxiety about teaching. In a conversation with a friend, I relayed my nerves about this particular week and […]

Last fall, while everyone was sipping their pumpkin spiced lattes and taking pictures in pumpkin patches, I was at home sinking into a deep depression after having a surgery that didn’t go as planned. What was supposed to be a routine operation left me sick beyond belief, resulting in an anxious and fearful heart. Many […]

From Peer to Fear I remember sitting in my ninth grade Sunday school class hearing about peer pressure. The example was someone standing on a chair trying to pull another friend up onto the chair with them. No matter how hard she tried, it was much easier for the friend on the ground to pull […]

just a phase I’ve been writing this blog post in my head for several months now. It all started with a conversation with my friend Chelsie in her classroom. We were talking about our friends that were married, engaged, and single. We were talking about what it means to be a single female in our […]

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high school English teacher in Singapore. You can read more from Becca on her blog. I have struggled with diagnosed major depressive disorder (MDD) since my sophomore year of college, but I know that I began wrestling with seasons of depressions starting during my adolescent years. However, […]

There is a mother, bent and gray, her children grown and living.
They shower her with words of praise, for all her love and giving.

Another mother down the street is nursing her grown daughter
Whose body’s wracked by this disease; her life is stolen from her.

And on this day a mother cries as newborn life spills forth;
Her precious son blinks in the light and cries for mother’s warmth…

It was about a year ago, now, when we first learned that there was possibly something wrong in my pregnancy. On that sunny Friday morning in April, I traveled to Dallas alone for my 12-week pregnancy checkup. Trey stayed home with Kate, and I was looking forward to eating at Chuy’s by myself after the appointment. It was to be a routine checkup, but it became very un-routine when when my obstetrician couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat. We walked two rooms down to have a sonogram performed. Once the sono tech placed the wand on my gel-covered abdomen, I was quickly relieved to see the screen light up with life. My relief did not last long, though, for in a matter of moments, both my doctor and the sono tech were discussing with me nuchal translucency, genetic testing, and a possible chromosome abnormality.

As we near the end of the year and look ahead to 2017, the buzz of resolutions will inevitably find its way into conversations, commercials will advertise for diets and healthy trends, and we will find ourselves on one of two sides: eager, ready and excited for the challenge – or defeated, tired and so over the “r-word” before New Years’ Eve.

We can’t look to other people to find the hope that only Jesus can give us. We have all “failed” and fallen short of God’s glory. But the hope we have is this: Christ Jesus never fails.

Take the bench when He offers it with great joy, dear friends. It is His grace to show you your limitations, because in them you will be able to see more fully that He has none. And as Paul learned to rejoice in His weaknesses because in them He knew the grace of God more completely, may we rejoice in our limitations and see with heaven-set eyes that only He can do it all. The bench just might be the place you need to see this from.


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