Well - Watered



“I think we’re just … better as friends.” I suddenly felt like I might throw up. Sitting cross-legged in my closet so my parents couldn’t hear my conversation on the phone, I felt time stop—or transition into slow motion, at least. “For sure,” I said on the other end of the line. Click. That was […]

“Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare […]

When Stress Changes Our Plans In 2015, my Labor Day did not go according to plan. Instead of spending an enjoyable day with friends, I sat in an emergency care center learning that I had shingles. One of the diagnostic questions the doctor asked me was if I had recently been under significant stress to […]

Place Makers: How to be Inclusive as a Woman of God

“I saved a seat for you!” These words from my new friend were exactly what I needed to hear to take a deep breath and relax. Just moments before, I had been sitting in my car and very seriously considering just going home. As a generally outgoing person, I was embarrassed by how nervous I […]

You are not alone. Mental Illness is real. Period. And it lies to you constantly. And if you choose to listen to the lies long enough... it will convince you to believe that what it’s saying to you is true. - Blog post by Well-Watered Women

This post was written by Sarah Brown of Lovely Lettering Co. Sarah is a dear friend and who lives in Birmingham, AL and has worked with Well-Watered Women for the past two years. In light of the tragic news of Kate Spade passing, we felt that these words of encouragement were incredibly timely and needed […]

A 31-Day Devotional for College Girls to Honor the Lord During Their College Years.

Dear College Girl, Dear College Girl is a 31-day devotional to encourage current or soon-to-be college girls to live godly lives in school. We asked five women to contribute to this book—women who walked through college seeking to honor Jesus and glorify Him. Each letter contains wisdom from Scripture, personal experience, and godly insight on […]

WHAT YOU LIVE IN DETERMINES WHAT YOU LIVE FOR I heard that quote as a 12-year-old, sitting in church on a Wednesday night, and it has stuck with me ever since. Let me explain a bit further. What you live in may be a myriad of things, and it can change from day to day. […]

For most of my life I dreaded Valentine’s Day. It was a day that highlighted my lack. Lack of a boyfriend. Lack of pursuit. Lack of flowers, chocolate, and teddy bears. Lack of a date. Lack of someone to hold my hand. I spent a lot of Valentine’s Days at home, avoiding going out and […]

She was wondering if she could ever be free. Freedom seemed to be far off in the distance from where she was, trapped by lies her in the prison cell of her mind. She looked around her, thinking everyone had it “all together” and she was the only one falling apart. She stared in the […]

Hope for the Woman Battling Sexual Addiction

In the Light This summer, I led a Bible study for the young singles in our church, and sexual discipleship was one of the topics in this series. It was also the week I had the most anxiety about teaching. In a conversation with a friend, I relayed my nerves about this particular week and […]


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